B2B Marketers on a Mission EP 156 Jessica Deckinger Podcast KV

How Video Uplevels Every Part of the Customer Journey | Jessica Deckinger | EP 156

Jessica Deckinger (Operating Partner, Clearhaven Partners) on how B2B companies can use videos to improve every part of the customer journey. During our conversation, Jessica dispels the common misconception that video production is a huge endeavor that requires specialized skills and expensive resources. She also highlights which pitfalls to avoid, and how to get internal buy-in.

B2B Marketers on a Mission Podcast EP 120 Julian Lumpkin Artwork

120. How to Shorten the Sales Cycle with Case Studies | Julian Lumpkin

Julian Lumpkin (Founder & CEO, SuccessKit) on how B2B companies can accelerate sales at different stages of the sales process with case studies and video testimonials. Julian talks about what he thinks is slowing sales down, and he also provides the audience with great tips on how to create better case studies,.

Takeaways-Interview with Alexander Ferguson

Alexander Ferguson Interview Key Takeaways

Alexander Ferguson (CMO and Co-Founder, TeraLeap) elaborates on how B2B companies can leverage videos to increase trust and achieve significantly shorter sales cycles. He also shares his top video DOs and DON’Ts, some actionable tips, what metrics to focus on, and what’s in his “video tech stack”.


How to Get a Meeting with Anyone

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