How to Develop B2B Brand Strategies that “WOW!”
To rise above that “sea of sameness”, it is paramount that B2B companies invest in building their brands in a way that differentiates them and positions them strategically against competitors. How should this be done? What approach should companies take?
In this week’s episode, we have a conversation with B2B marketer and brand expert Christian DeGobbi (Marketing Director, Spruce Technology, Inc.) about what it takes to develop an effective B2B brand. During our conversation, Christian talked about why branding is a MUST HAVE for B2B companies, what mistakes to avoid, the importance of conducting the relevant market research, the different parts of a brand strategy, and how to measure the effectiveness of your brand efforts
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Christian Klepp, Christian DeGobbi
Christian Klepp 00:00
Welcome to B2B Marketers on a Mission, a podcast for B2B marketers that helps you to question the conventional, think differently, disrupt your industry, and take your marketing to new heights. Each week, we talk to B2B marketing experts who share inspirational stories, discuss our thoughts and trending topics, and provide useful marketing tips and recommendations. And now, here’s your host and co-founder of EINBLICK Consulting, Christian Klepp. Welcome, everyone to this episode of the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast where you get your weekly dose of B2B marketing insights. This is your host Christian Klepp. And today I am joined by someone on a mission to develop B2B brand strategies that Wow. So coming to us from Wayne, New Jersey, Mr. Christian DeGobbi. Welcome to the show.
Christian DeGobbi 00:45
Christian, thank you for having me.
Christian Klepp 00:48
Absolute pleasure, Christian and great name, by the way. (laugh) I’m really looking forward to this conversation because this is a topic that is very close to my heart as well. Anything to do with B2B branding. Alright. Okay, fantastic. So Christian, you’ve been a professional marketer for many years. But for this conversation, let’s focus on a topic that you’re clearly very passionate about. And in fact, I think you’ve even wrote about it on your LinkedIn profile, and it’s developing B2B brand strategies that Wow. So talk to us about why you think that’s so important in B2B and why a brand strategy is a must have and not a nice to have.
Christian DeGobbi 01:28
I think that’s a great way to start. I mean, today, there’s so many, there’s so much noise out there today, amongst B2B brands, whether it be B2B or B2C, technology has just forced us, you know, towards that. There is a, there are a lot of distractions today from, you know, mobile website, social media, everything, and it’s very, it’s a challenge. And it’s a challenge that I like, as a marketer, a B2B brand marketer today, to stand out today, it’s very important to stand out today, to craft your own story, your own niche, your own content, and to really distinguish yourself from other brands. And it really goes outside your industry today to distinguish your brand, not only within your industry, but amongst all the other noise out there today, to really make your brand stand out today. Through messaging, through content, through your website, through your social media posts, it’s very important to be different today. And not only that, but not be afraid to be different to take chances. And that could again, it can happen through your, you know, your content, your videos, the influencers that you got to write for you. So, and that all goes into understanding your competitors, doing the research, which we’re gonna get into hopefully, and just understanding where you fit in, in the landscape within your industry and being different. Not for the sake of being different. But to truly understand your company and the story you want to tell. So being different and offering your clients different experiences, interactive experiences, including their points of view, very important to differentiate in your brand today.
Christian Klepp 03:54
Absolutely, absolutely. You brought up a couple of great points, and I’d like to go back to them. Do you think that a lot of B2B companies, not all of them, but many, where do they go wrong? I mean, like why do they drown in the sea of sameness as you just mentioned? Why is everybody you know, trying to do the same thing? Is it because they’re trying to use this play it safe approach? It’s… they’re in this very risk averse environment or what are your thoughts on that?
Christian DeGobbi 04:00
I’m gonna play off your last horse there question risk averse. I think they’re very risk averse. I think they’re… I use the word frightened, to be different, be frightened to take chances to, to do things differently. I think they’re very wanting to play it safe. Wanting to do what they did last year, wanting, wanting to do things the safe way. So, you know, I think it comes down to playing it safe and the mentality of what’s worked in the past is going to work in the future, which is a dangerous way to think with how fast not only business, a world of technology’s moving today, but also marketing. And the way our consumer or consumer habits for your company are changing today. I think they’re timid. I think they are very… overly cautious is a great way to put it. I think, you know, you use the great term but overly cautious and afraid to take chances today.
Christian Klepp 05:42
Absolutely up. I love that last bit or, you know, something you said in the past couple of minutes where you said, What’s worked in the past will work in the future. Well, if we’ve learned anything from these past two years, is that nothing is permanent. Right? Like it’s a fluid situation. And that applies across the board, right?
Christian DeGobbi 06:01
Yeah. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, a big wake up call, like you said the past couple of years. And for business, for marketing, for technology, the pandemic has definitely accelerated or open people’s eyes to change hopefully, you know, and how quickly things change. And so hopefully, you know, we’ll take that pandemic as a wakeup call.
Christian Klepp 06:33
Yes. Yes, indeed, indeed. Talk to us about, you’ve probably seen a lot out there. Talk to us about some of the common mistakes and/or misconceptions that B2B marketers make when it comes to developing an effective B2B brand strategy. And what can be done to address these?
Christian DeGobbi 06:50
Um, I think, well, well, there are a lot of parts, you know, to building a B2B brand strategy. First, you have to have, you know, obviously, buying from senior level executives, and get everybody on board, you know, internally and externally. And the feeling that, you know, it’s fine to go ahead with internal research or, you know, there are a lot of different pieces of the puzzle, to collecting, research for B2B brand marketing. Namely, internally, your salespeople, your product people, senior level executives, business development, getting their feedback is very, very important. Absolutely. The one miss, a big miss, a big piece of that puzzle, I would argue the biggest piece of that puzzle in collecting that research today is firsthand party data. You know, we can talk about cookies going away, you know, within the next permanently over the next, you know, few years. And yeah, yeah, robotic marketing is not good. Yeah. So, a big piece of the puzzle. And, you know, to your point, we should be preparing as marketers today for that, going away of, of collecting data from engagements online. And I think, you know, I’m a proponent of it going away. So a big piece of they’re missing right now, today is firsthand party data, literally collecting feedback from your clients, whether through surveys, speaking to them, and incorporating that feedback, that no internal source can give you, into and feeding your marketing strategies and tactics, your messaging, the content that you develop. Critical. Today, I’m a little surprised that more B2B marketers and salespeople and BD people. I’m surprised that there’s not more clamoring for that for firsthand party data. I mean, they should be bugging marketing people every week. What are our clients saying about their brand Experience? What are they seeing a better content? What are they seeing a better website? What are they seeing a better social media? What are they saying about doing business with us? What are they saying about doing business with us through onboarding, through client engagement after they’re a client? I mean, everybody should be clamoring for that firsthand party data. And that’s something that marketers have to step up on and demand really, as a must from their company.
Christian Klepp 10:09
Absolutely, absolutely. I think you really hit the nail on the head there. I had a follow up question on that, because, you know, this is something that we discussed in the previous conversation Christian, at least from what I’ve seen, in B2C, like, just think about a company like Coke or Pepsi, right? They would never dream of launching a product onto the market without conducting that market research. So why is it at least in your experience… Why is it that in B2B companies that seems to be optional?
Christian DeGobbi 10:43
That’s such a great question. I think it I think you have to go back. I think you have to go back to the birth of baby B2B and B2C as we know it. And you know, this is another, another webinar, another podcast entirely, but there is a history to it. And my take on the quick history of, of why it is the way it is today. I think there was a misconception on the part of B2B and a good conception on the part of, B2C, where B2C products, a candy bar, a can of soda, bag of potato chips, anything that you get like an impulse buy, we call that it’s natural, it was natural for them to ask their impulse buyers or everyday consumers for feedback, it just made sense. B2B… They got confused. And again, I think this is changing. They got caught up in that it’s not an impulse. And it’s not an impulse buy B2B. You’re talking about millions of dollars about purchasing, system wide technology and ERP, you are spending hundreds of 1000s of millions of dollars over the course of your contract for B2B Buy. They interpreted way back when B2B, B2B marketers that be that mindset is different from B2C. When in fact, it’s really not B2B buyers still buy it. They’re human beings. It’s not a building you’re marketing to. You’re still marketing to human beings who have emotions, who have a sense of humor. And B2B buyers thought like, wow, this is so serious, and it is a big purchase, but we have to market to them differently. We have to be serious. This is a serious buy. We have to, you know, talk to them differently. Yes, there is a difference between B2B and B2C. B2B marketers way back when and again, it’s getting better are starting to understand the role of emotion plays and marketing, even for multimillion dollar purchases, the role humor to a certain degree plays in the multimillion dollar purchases. And some B2B companies today, thankfully, are taking a page from the B2C handbook on how to market towards B2B consumers. So there was a closing that B2B misconception that just because for spending millions of dollars, that their emotional state and their mind thinks differently from buying a candy bar to a multimillion dollar solution, when in fact, it’s really not that big of a difference.
Christian Klepp 13:51
Absolutely, absolutely. You know, those are those are some really, really interesting points. And certainly in B2B, the buyers journey is not that linear, right? I mean, I think if anything, linear is probably not the word that comes to mind. It’s a bit more haphazard, right. But at the end of the day, going back to your point, and you’ve probably seen, I think, at least 10 posts on LinkedIn that I can think about where people say, in B2B people will still buy from people they know, like, and trust. So it’s, like credibility piece, and how do you get that credibility? It goes back to brand.
Christian DeGobbi 14:28
Absolutely, yeah. I mean, that’s, that’s a great point Christian. I mean, one of the first things I learned, I started my career in advertising agencies in New York City, so I was kind of always behind the scenes planning campaigns back then in the late 90s, you know, pretty much as TV print and outdoor radio. So when I jumped into the B2B marketing world in 2002, one of the first things I learned from my great boss back then, who I had when I first started in B2B marketing exactly what you said Christian, it’s people buy, regardless of the price, regardless of your product, or differentiators, don’t get me wrong, those are great to have, absolutely great to have. To your point Christian, I totally agree with you. People buy from the relationships that they build, and the trust that they build, and B2B marketing. And that trust comes absolutely from marketing, or advertising, their messaging, their social media presence, also comes from sales, building that relationship. And that’s where sales and marketing really needs to get on, you know, on the same page, there’s like you said, it’s all about building that trust. And likability, people buy from people they trust and like, regardless of the price of your product. So excellent. I love your point.
Christian Klepp 15:57
Yeah, no, exactly. Exactly. And yes, I didn’t know that, that you started out in advertising in New York City. But you guys, correct me if I’m wrong. You guys didn’t crawl your best ideas on a napkin like Don Draper did you.
Christian DeGobbi 16:10
Now, that was many years before I started advertising, and many years after I wish I could have done that in advertising. (Laugh)
Christian Klepp 16:22
Fair enough. Fair enough. You touched on this a little bit like in the past couple of minutes, but explain the importance of conducting the right research, I’m going to say and having clear goals and objectives before jumping into developing a brand strategy.
Christian DeGobbi 16:40
Yeah, I think that’s very important, you know, to have a plan, going into a rebrand or refreshing your brand or anything like that, I think, obviously, having a plan for anything, personally, professionally, is a must. So you know, it definitely starts with getting buy-in, you know, under, you know, making the senior level executives aware of the need to make your brand current, to refresh it, to whatever that might entail. It could entail everything from your website, your content, your messaging, your look and feel, your imagery, the videos that you produce, the stories that you tell, even your logo, sometimes your logo might need adjustment. And that’s what people really think of right when they think a brand or logo. And then sometimes that’s the case, sometimes it’s not. So I think that, you know, like you said, that’s a great starting point Christian.
Christian Klepp 17:51
No, absolutely. And so we get to the bit where, you know, just think about this, like maybe like a Lego piece, right? You’re gonna break it down into its parts, right? So just explain the parts and the different elements that are needed to develop an effective B2B brand strategy?
Christian DeGobbi 18:09
That’s a really great question. There is no one silver bullet. There are a lot of moving pieces to our brand, like you said, I think the first thing that you really have to get serious about as a company with your brand, is really understand like, the story that you want to tell like, what are you? What do you stand for, and I’m not talking, being vocal with the political climate or anything like that. But really getting honest with yourself about what your brand stands for, and being honest with that. So what I’m really going to, you know about is like your brand’s story, and your brand’s story, it’s not your products. It’s not the services that you push out there on your website. It’s about your story. It’s about how you started. It’s about what you stand for that what you want to do. It’s about how you’re helping your communities. It’s about what you’re doing. I think I said this for your clients. So really nailing down what you do well. So just reminds me real quick about a SWOT analysis is very helpful. You know what, you know, do a SWOT analysis. Focus on your strengths of what you do really well. Tell that story. And your story should not include your products. There’s a great saying I liked by David Meerman Scott, I’ve read a few of his books. Awesome. Love him. He said. And I love to say: Nobody cares about your products except you. And it’s so true. Especially in today’s world and the climate we live in today. It’s a great quote.
Christian Klepp 19:50
Sorry, can you please say that a little louder for the people in the back?
Christian DeGobbi 19:53
Yeah. David Meerman Scott. Several of his books I’ve read. I mean, one of my role models, you know, in marketing reading, David Meerman Scott, he said it. And it’s so true. And a lot of people have a hard time comprehending that, like, they just don’t get it. I was like, we’re, you know, they’re like, we’re, we’re better products. And so, like, What are you talking about? Yeah. But he said, nobody cares about your products, except you. And what do you… It took me a little while as a B2B marketer to understand that, what does he mean by that? It means that it’s not about your products, it’s not about selling your products or services. It’s about selling your story. It’s about selling what you’re going to do for them. It’s about comfort, we’ve talked about before, it’s about selling trust. And you can tell those stories without mentioning about your products and services. So I love it. It’s one of my favorite sayings, one of my favorite sayings by him. So your story, other ingredients, your content, you know, as far as the brand, that content that you develop, and not product revenue, your content that you’re selling. Include your clients, you know, include your clients in your story. Your videos, so I’m a huge fan of videos today about telling your story. Again, not product driven, but telling your stories with your clients. And any partners or affiliations that you might have as well I think are very important as well. But bottom line, you know, keep your marketing and advertising and your content and videos and stories and messaging away from your products and services. Your clients prospects don’t care.
Christian Klepp 21:56
Fantastic points. Um, there was something that you mentioned, and I wanted to go back to it because it reminds me about, you know, you’re talking about telling your story and how you involve your customer in that story. And I think we’ve talked about this before. So there’s a book called Building Your Story Brand by Donald Miller. Right. And he incorporates something from it. And it’s, it’s a, I’m gonna call it a formula, right? It’s a formula that has been used to tell stories, whether it’s through myths and legends across different cultures around the world. And it was something that a professor named Joseph Campbell actually coined, right, and it has seven steps, I believe it is, right. So it’s a hero has a problem meets a guide, who gives him or her a plan. Encourage them take action, so that they succeed and avoid, avoid failure. Right? And if you look at any advertising campaign, right, regardless of which market it is, or the best brand story cases out there, they basically follow this pattern. Right? And it’s going back to what you were saying earlier, it’s about like, you know, bring, bring that customer into your story. I mean, like, talk about your company, of course, but like bring the customer into the story and make them the hero.
Christian DeGobbi 23:22
Yes, yeah, absolutely. I never thought about it like that. Yeah, I think that’s a great point to bring your client in. I think there’s very few things a marketing department or a B2B marketer should do without soliciting a client’s voice, which reminds me of setting up a kind of like a voice of customer program, where you develop like, a group of 8 to 10 clients and prospects and you set expectations and what you’re looking for, for them to run by messaging, advertisements, articles, by them to get their feedback first, before you promote it and mark it out to a bunch of different digital channels for everybody to say, so to collect their feedback in a small group that is representative of your client base is invaluable. I think more marketers should be doing that today. Absolutely.
Christian Klepp 24:40
Yeah, that’s exactly right. That’s exactly right. Okay. We get to the bit in the conversation where we talk about actionable tips, right, but let me just set this up, because let’s appreciate that. brand building does not happen in a day, right? So this is something that takes time. But that being said, there are steps that you can and take immediately. So what are some of the steps that B2B marketers can take right now to develop a brand strategy that helps them to stand out amidst to your point, the sea of sameness? So some quick wins, and what should they be focusing on?
Christian DeGobbi 25:43
Yeah, I think that’s important. Like how do we make a quick change, I would say like if I wanted to make a quick change in the company that I worked for, as far as changing perceptions about the brand, creating awareness, educating our clients and prospects about what we do. It sounds simple, but video, uh, you know, we spoke about video so many times so much during this call. But if you want to click when develop a company video about what you do have senior level executives passionately talk about what your company does. Again, excluding your products, lands over that forest, but talk about what your company’s about, what your mission is, why you started, what you’re doing for companies today, without mentioning your products, a quick win, develop that company video with a couple of senior level executives in your company, to talk about your brand, get it, get it, get it get a good company to produce that video, a professional company who can come in and record lead B roll footage behind that video. After the music, make it energetic, and you have a beautiful company video that describes to the world. Hey, this is what we do. Take snippets out of those videos as well and republish them on social media. But I would say the quickest way to really educate and define your brand would be a company video with, you know, a senior level executives and just a good background music, the B roll footage to get people excited about your company, I would say would be the biggest thing you could do for your brand today.
Christian Klepp 27:39
Yeah, yeah, I’m definitely a fan of videos myself. I’m interested to get your thoughts. Interesting to get your thoughts on thought leadership pieces. So what I mean by that is like, you know, everybody’s talking about guesting on podcasts, or organizing webinars, right? This is not something that’s necessarily requires a significant investment on the part of the company, it just requires you to do it. So what are your thoughts on those?
Christian DeGobbi 28:09
Huge fan, huge fan, I think you need to know where your customers are at today, which gets back to surveying your clients on as far as what do they prefer? Send out that survey, customer satisfaction survey, you should have a section within that survey on what type of content they’d like to digest if they prefer webinars, podcasts, white papers, blogs, videos, eBooks, there’s a lot of different things that marketers could do today and shooting in the dark. Literally, if you’re not getting feedback from your clients on what they prefer, but based on what you had mentioned, I think they’re great. I think they’re very effective. But you have to ensure that you are not wasting a lot of time and resources developing whatever it might be webinars, podcasts, whatever it might be. If you don’t know if if that’s what they want. But the biggest thing is, which is an issue today is getting SMEs to find time to make time for that webinar, for that podcast, to provide talking points that go straight a blog article in in finding that time from the SMEs (Small to Medium sized enterprises) I think is a real… I think a lot of B2B marketers today would agree that that’s a big challenge is find SMEs time today to actually do one of these marketing tactics.
Christian Klepp 29:56
So ya, fantastic. So Christian, can you give us an example of a company, a B2B company that you think has developed a great brand strategy?
Christian DeGobbi 30:05
Yeah, that’s a great question. Christian. I think it’s very hard to do today, to break out that sea of sameness that we were talking about before, to really distinguish and differentiate your brand today. It’s hard. I think, if you don’t like that challenge as a B2B marketer, you shouldn’t be doing that because it is a challenge but it’s a fun challenge. I come across companies, B2B companies that are wowing and making a difference and breaking out of the sea of sameness. One that really stood out to me over the last year was what Cisco did in promoting their cybersecurity services. And they, I thought took a very creative approach to broadcasting awareness about their cybersecurity services via a visual comic book. And they published it, and it was in PDF format, and it was everywhere. And it was a volume, a comic book that read like the story, getting back to story, it read like a story with different characters about cybersecurity challenges, and, and what can be done today, with different scenery. I just thought it was a very, very creative approach to creating awareness and educating clients and prospects about their cybersecurity solutions. I thought it was great. I thought it was really cool.
Christian Klepp 31:43
I actually looked that up the last time you and I talked about it. And I have to say that, because I’m a bit of a comic book geek myself. Yeah, I thought they did such a great job with that one. And, you know, back to your point, it’s on a, it’s on a topic, and to anyone out there who’s in this field, I apologize in advance, but you know, it, it can get a little bit dry, and extremely technical, right, if you don’t know what you’re doing, right. And cybersecurity is, you know, one of those topics. This is something that will not go away, because for as long as there’s cyber threats out there, right. And that’s just going to become even more paramount for companies to look into cybersecurity. But there was another case study, because, you know, you had me thinking that it was another case study from back in 2013. It was launched by GE, and it was a campaign called Data Landia. Right. And again, it was on the topic of big data and big data, it’s extremely difficult to talk about that in a way that’s well, entertaining is already a challenge, but interesting and for people who are not in, you know, data analysts or data scientists, how do you how do you get their attention? So they came up with this campaign where they created these, these mini videos or mini-series, right. And it was all based in this miniature town, which they had actually built in Germany. And it’s to highlight how big data plays a role in people’s lives. Right. And the small town basically was invaded by vampires and aliens and big data save them. Right. And that was, that was a campaign that was rolled out by GE.
Christian DeGobbi 33:24
Very cool. Like you said, taking a dry topic and making it fun and engaging. That’s an awesome example. Love it. Yeah. Much, much needed and B2B marketing today. Yeah. That kind of creativity and outside the box, think outside the box thinking. Great example Christian.
Christian Klepp 33:47
Here’s hoping to see more of those. Yeah. Okay, um, this is a topic that, you know, people in the branding world may or may not like, but at some point, you’re gonna have to show results. And results sometimes come in the form of metrics or oftentimes come in the form of metrics, I should say. So what specific metrics do you think marketers should be looking at when it comes to brand strategy?
Christian DeGobbi 34:13
I think there are a few different metrics buckets, that when you’re measuring your brand today, I think it’s important to mention that the first thing you want to do when you get buy-in in decide on executing a brand refresh, or a rebrand or tweak or whatever, is to benchmark with anything to baseline. Because you want to know moving forward, whatever you do, brand-wise, that you’re moving the needle, which is very important, you know, for you as a marketer for to show your CMO, C-suite executives, exactly how you’re moving the needle on your brand perception. So I think there are a lot of different buckets after you benchmark to measure your brand performance. One, you know, that kind of like your brand equity. Well, you know, what’s the value of your brand today as far as perception like how people view it, if they you know, how they viewed against their competitors, I think is very important is your brand equity, your brand perception, your brand value, as far as how much, you know, with value with anything, how much you’re paying, versus how much you’re receiving is a value there. So I would, you know, there’s a lot of different examples like that, where as long as the value is there, it’s worth it. I mean, I’d be willing to pay a lot for a service or a product if the value is there. So brand value, I think, is very important brand perception, brand equity, all metrics that you can measure through a brand perception study. And you could do this brand perception studies internally, there’s a lot of templates out there online, if you can’t afford to hire a great brand company like yourself, Christian. Or you can hire a brand company like like yours to conduct that study for you to come up with great questions to ask about equity perception value. And to measure that, to take those measurements from your clients about how they feel about your brand. And do that same study that that same brand perception study, I would say no sooner than a year, to your point, it takes a long time. For whatever you’re doing marketing and advertising, branding-wise to take a foothold in the market to get inside people’s minds about your brand. It takes a long time to change the human brain as far as your brand. So I would say, you know, at least a year to do another brand perception survey. So that’s where I would start is on brand perception study to measure a bunch of different aspects across your brand.
Christian Klepp 37:22
Yeah, yeah. It’s almost as if, yeah. And that was actually going to be my next question about like, you know, how often should these brand perception surveys be done? Or, or studies? Because it’s always important to show like, Okay, this is where we were before, this is where we are now, thanks to the efforts that we have implemented right, or the activities that we’ve initiated.
Christian DeGobbi 37:43
Absolutely, yeah, very important. I mean, you got to know where you’re coming from. Right?
Christian Klepp 37:49
Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay, a status quo that you passionately disagree with and why?
Christian DeGobbi 37:54
Disagree with wholeheartedly.
Christian Klepp 37:58
Get up on your soapbox and go. (laugh)
Christian DeGobbi 38:04
It’s that B2B marketers today, and I think it’s getting better Christian, is the perception that B2B marketing… And I guess it’s due to the cost and the sales cycle, how long it is, but the perception I must disagree with is that B2B marketing, has to be devoid of emotion, has, you know, completely devoid of using humor in your advertising, social media posts, advertisements, webinars. At the end of the day, as you know, Christian, we are advertising towards human beings, we’re not advertising to a B2B marketing building, or, or a statue or anything like that we are advertising to human beings, the same human beings who buy B2C products. So again, I think we’re getting B2B marketers are getting better, better at this, I think they’re seeing… For the Cisco example of a that I toss out there, the GE example that you toss out there, I hope they’re seeing the case studies and the news and stories of how B2B marketers and brands are breaking that mold of seriousness and, and staying like in a town that is devoid of emotion. And, you know, let’s call it human-based marketing. So I, again, I think it’s getting better, long way to go. But that’s a perception that I think at the marketers, unfortunately, still have today. And sooner or later, you know, I think it’s going to catch up to them. Because smart B2B companies, smart B2B marketers are going to start taking that bait from the B2C handbook. And it’s going to resonate with the human beings we’re marketing to.
Christian Klepp 39:57
absolutely, absolutely. I think, yeah, that was a great example, like Cisco is a great example. I’ve seen it with a couple of other companies and even former clients that I’ve worked with who have made that change. And I would just want to add that… this is another misconception that many B2B companies have that I’ve seen out there. They think that you can only do that if you’re a big corporation and I tend to disagree with that.
Christian DeGobbi 40:19
Absolutely. Yeah. I think that a lot of like you said, Christian, that’s a great point. I think a lot of bigger, you know, smaller and mid-sized companies, they might not think they have the resources or anything like that to do what the big companies do as far as video production. But I think that’s, I think that’s false. I think as long as you have, you know, human beings with a mind that think creatively, there’s no category for being big, smaller or medium sized business to not execute creatively, creatively like that.
Christian Klepp 41:02
Exactly, exactly. Christian, this has been a great conversation as expected. And again, it’s a topic very close to my heart. I’m very passionate about branding. And so please, quick introduce yourself and help folks out there can get in touch with you.
Christian DeGobbi 41:17
Yeah, Christian, thank you so much for being a guest on your podcast. I have enjoyed all of our conversations between you and me.
Christian Klepp 41:28
Christian DeGobbi 41:29
LinkedIn, I’m very active on LinkedIn. It’s so on “CommunicatingChristian” and quick shout out. Recent, you know, since their inception, a member of the SOAR marketing society that Stacey Danheiser, started about a year ago or so. But it’s the best marketing community that I’ve ever been a part of. She’s a great host. super knowledgeable, super passionate, keeps us engaged. So I would highly recommend joining the SOAR marketing society by Stacey Danheiser as well.
Christian Klepp 42:05
Yeah, no, absolutely. I second that. All right. Thank you so much, Christian. It’s been a pleasure. Take care. Stay safe and talk to you soon.
Christian DeGobbi 42:13
You too Christian. Thank you very much.
Christian Klepp 42:15
All right. Bye for now.
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