How to Increase Revenue from Your B2B Website
Having a website that is responsive, is easy to navigate, and takes your customers’ challenges as well as their journey into consideration is something that is expected in B2B. But how can you generate more qualified leads and revenue from your website? In this week’s conversation, B2B marketing expert Michael Buzinski (President/CMO, Buzzworthy Integrated Marketing) breaks down the approach that he’s been successfully teaching B2B service companies for years.
During our conversation, Michael talks about what mistakes to avoid, the importance of having the right strategy in place, and what steps you can take right now to help increase revenue for your business through your website.
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Christian Klepp, Michael Buzinski
Christian Klepp 00:00
Welcome to B2B Marketers on a Mission, a podcast for B2B marketers that helps you to question the conventional, think differently, disrupt your industry, and take your marketing to new heights. Each week, we talk to B2B marketing experts who share inspirational stories, discussed our thoughts and trending topics, and provide useful marketing tips and recommendations. And now, here’s your host and co-founder of EINBLICK Consulting, Christian Klepp. Okay, welcome everyone to this episode of the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast where you get your weekly dose of B2B marketing insights. This is your host, Christian Klepp. And today, I am thrilled to be joined by someone who is on a mission. And he’s made it his mission to drastically increase your website revenue using the rule of 26 and proven website marketing techniques. So Michael Buzinski, welcome to the show.
Michael Buzinski 00:50
Thanks for having me, Christian.
Christian Klepp 00:52
All right, let’s just get this started. I’m really looking forward to this conversation. Sure, so Mike, you’ve been in the business of helping service centric companies to generate more leads and maximize sales from their website for many years. So, let’s use that as the topic for today’s conversation. So I got a peek at your LinkedIn profile as I do, and you talk about how you can help companies to take control of their marketing without having to learn marketing. Now, that kind of sounds a little bit counter-intuitive, but I’m sure there’s a rationale behind that. So care to explain?
Michael Buzinski 01:22
So for the most part, when we’re dealing with marketing for service based businesses, were talking with folks who are their craftsmen, right? So the CPA, the lawyer, the programmer, the…, you name it, right, that they are really good at that part. And a lot of times, they’re not the best at business or marketing, and marketing is probably the last thing that they ever thought they were going to have to get involved with. And so for those people, they rely on other people to do their marketing. But if you don’t know what’s going on, you don’t know what you’re paying for. And so when I talk about simplifying the process, I talked about simplifying the strategy. That way you can identify the things you don’t know, because we don’t know what we don’t know. Therefore, we can then pick the things that we’re comfortable learning if we want to learn them, but we don’t have to learn all of it. Because we understand what’s going on. And just enough to be able to hire people who know how to do it really well.
Christian Klepp 02:18
That’s a fair point. Just from your experience, and I just want to like, probably jam on that a little bit further, like… Do you feel that a lot of like the people that you work with and that you serve, do they tend to be trained over thinkers like that, they tend to overthink a lot of these, these marketing strategies and approaches?
Michael Buzinski 02:35
Sure. I think there’s a mix, it’s a mix, it’s a huge mix, and you have the people who have read too much and think they understand it. But since they’ve never applied it, they don’t understand the pitfalls and the struggles, reasonable timelines, reasonable expectations, those types of things, then the other people who have read a couple of things, just enough to say, they know it’s out there. And they’re just looking for those buzzwords to latch on to and say, oh, you know that thing. So you must, you’ll be able to take her, and then they think it’s all on you. And so you get this mix of folks who are micromanagers, because they over complicated the process by reading too many sources, and the under… the folks who understand that it’s a team effort, that because they read that, well, the pros know what they’re doing. And so you know, I don’t tell the doctor how to operate on me. So I shouldn’t talk. I shouldn’t have to talk to my marketer to market me the best.
Christian Klepp 03:30
Yeah, no, that’s fair enough. That’s fair enough. And you know, from your, your years of, your many years of being in the business, you’ve probably seen it all. So just talk to us about some of these, these common mistakes and misconceptions you’ve seen out there, especially when it comes to generating sales and leads from websites and what people should do to address these.
Michael Buzinski 03:48
So the biggest mistake I run into with B2B websites is that we build this website and then all of a sudden, people are going to be visiting it out of the blue. Right? That’s the biggest one, right?
Christian Klepp 04:00
Build it and they will come.
Michael Buzinski 04:03
Right, right?
Christian Klepp 04:04
Michael Buzinski 04:05
And I, and I liken it to a brick and mortar, you can build a… you can build a brick and mortar, but that doesn’t mean anybody knows where it’s at. And a website is a brick and mortar in the virtual world, in a city the size of 10 times the size of New York. Okay? So if you could just think about having your 10 square foot cubicle inside the Empire State Building would be just your little neat, your little corner of your industry on the inner. Right. And if you think people are going to be able to go through the front door of the Empire State Building and know and recognize your cubicle out of all of them, without you telling them where it’s at, you’re mistaken.
Christian Klepp 04:51
It sounds so simple, but it’s amazing how time and time again, people don’t realize that Right.
Michael Buzinski 04:59
Right. Exactly. And then it’s like, well, then I just put ads out and all the ads will work. Right? That’s the second mistake we run into with business owners who think, Well, you’re the professional, you know how to write ad copy… been writing ad copy for decades now. So you should just be able to write ad copy that everybody’s going to resonate. This. Yes and no. Do I hit the base runs, more so than the layman? Yeah, of course, do I hit home runs every time? Absolutely not. Because that’s not how marketing is. And to say that I have award winning campaigns that I just borrowed from them to do the next one. No, it’s always different. We always have to be reinventing the wheel when it comes to selling the services, even if it’s the same one. Because every business is different, it is unique. And if it’s not unique, it’s destined to fail. Because you’re… as a service based, especially B2B. If you can’t figure out your differentiation from your competitors, you are nothing to everyone.
Christian Klepp 06:03
Absolutely, absolutely. I love how you brought that topic up about like one size does not fit all.
Michael Buzinski 06:09
Oh, gosh.
Christian Klepp 06:09
Right. Yeah. And I think I want to throw in another question for you, Michael, like, this sounds like table stakes for marketers, but do you feel more often than not, um, there’s also a gap between, you know, especially with companies that you work with, between their understanding of who their customers are, and who they actually should be targeting and reaching out to?
Michael Buzinski 06:30
Yes, I find that it is always good to visit the perfect client scenario, and really dive deep in there and figure out how profitable they think that client is, and explore, like, just because you’ve got a group of clients in a certain sector, that you feel like you’ve got to, you got to jam on with that. If you can’t replicate that relationship over and over, then it’s not the most profitable type of client. It might be a favorite type of client, that’s great. But you might not have found that home run grand slam, this is the perfect client that we can create a system around every single time. Because it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, the system is going to allow for the unique individual companies that you’re serving. Your each of the clients are going to be in have their individual issues, right, but your system allows for that. But if you have varying needs, the system can’t allow for that, right. And so if you have one to two systems, that you can plug people into your perfect types of clients, you’re going to be so much more efficient, and therefore more profitable every single time, and the morale of your company is gonna be better. And guess what, your salesmen are gonna be a lot happier because you can continue to get social proof. Through the testimonies of all of those companies. You keep hitting Grand Slam up the Grand Slam of the Grand Slam for.
Christian Klepp 07:57
Yeah, that’s absolutely right. That’s absolutely right. Understanding who your customer is and why. And I might even add who your customer is not.
Michael Buzinski 08:05
Oh my gosh, yes, qualifying. So people talk about qualified prospects. I also talked about weeding out the disqualified or disqualify prospects, because the phone call that you don’t take can be as profitable as the phone calls you do take.
Christian Klepp 08:23
And then amen to that. (laugh) Talk to us about a challenge that you and your team have managed to solve in the past 12 months.
Michael Buzinski 08:34
Oh my gosh, how many? (laugh) Oh my gosh, okay, so I had a client, who is a fractional CFO, okay. Wonderful gentleman. He’s been a CFO and to help a couple companies grow into 10s of millions of dollars through his financial prowess, right. And he was breaking off to build his own company. And he had a firm that he had hired to build him a website. Now he was under the impression that he was going to be able to create a network of other service providers outside the financial industry. And then, and then basically coalesce a little network that would then serve clients and so he would get kind of back channel pay for each of those pillars. The challenge was to talk him out of that, because that is a bad news, because you’re gonna confuse it and one of the things we had to talk about is like, you want to you want to serve a very tight niche and what he was afraid of is that being niche down was not going to provide enough opportunity. Verse, But what I was showing It is that the diversity that he was showing prospects was not going to connect with people, because not everybody needs all those things. And people are simple when it comes to their problems, right? They come in and they say, I want this or I think I need this and, and that is singular. And so when you’re in there, and you basically are the super Walmart of services to somebody, they’re just going to get lost in the aisles, because you can put the signs all over the place to say, if you need this, and this and this, and this, it after a while, there’s like, no, no, I don’t want to walk all the way back to the back to get this one thing, I can just go to the convenience store, grab that, grab that right. And so our challenge was to then reframe that into something that had substance because he was only giving one service, which was fractional CFO services to construction companies that were doing 10 billion or more. Okay, that’s a very tight niche. But there’s a lot of them out there, there’s a lot of opportunities. So we had to show him how much opportunity was out there, how he could touch those without having to spend millions of dollars in advertising. And then structured his content for his website, in a singular fashion that was talking directly to a construction company doing $10 million having cash flow issues, and that that he was the guy to talk to. And so and I know this is long, but we just got we just confirmed he did, we created a construct a framework that he could sell off of. And he then made that into a keynote. He did one keynote with 12 companies in the room, he had two clients closed with over $100,000 combined for the first six months of business.
Christian Klepp 11:16
Not too shabby, I’d say eh.
Michael Buzinski 11:18
No, not at all. He was very very happy. (laugh)
Christian Klepp 11:22
Wow, that’s a great story.
Michael Buzinski 11:24
And we did it in… we did in less than 90 days.
Christian Klepp 11:27
Less than 90 days. Wow.
Michael Buzinski 11:28
Less than 90 days, we did all of that. We launched a website that actually talked to his perfect client, we created a framework that he could talk to and sell from and he’s not a sales. He’s a CFO, okay. Like I’m telling this guy, if you ever met a CFO, you know what I’m talking about. And he closed 2…. I mean to sign on with this guy is 50 grand up front for the first 90 days. And he sold that twice in a two week period after his first public speaking engagement using the framework we built out for him.
Christian Klepp 11:58
That, that is incredible. That’s super impressive. Wow.
Michael Buzinski 12:03
Yeah. I was I was like this, like, yeah, you sold $50,000 as your opening offer? Okay here we go. (laugh)
Christian Klepp 12:10
That’s absolutely amazing. That’s absolutely amazing. And you know, something that you just said, you know, while you were highlighting this case study, it’s a beautiful segue into the next question, because it’s talking about taking a step back, and strategizing. So from your experience, and you know, dealing with service based B2B companies, what role do you think strategy place when it comes to generating more qualified leads for your website?
Michael Buzinski 12:34
It’s everything. So in my books about, because if you don’t have a strong strategy, you are going to be floundering around. I have a… there’s a saying out there that says 50% of your marketing is working. The problem is most people don’t know which 50% are working. So if you don’t have a strong strategy, you don’t have a good direction. And good strategy also includes the process in which you’re going to evaluate your successes and your failures. So if you don’t start with a strong strategy, and start with a good plan on how to evaluate the success of your strategy, you will always be wondering which 50% of your marketing is actually just burning money.
Christian Klepp 13:18
That’s absolutely right. That’s absolutely right. You made me think of another question, because I’m sure you get this all the time, like when you’re dealing with these key decision makers. Do you feel that sometimes, especially when it comes to websites, right, more often than not, do they tend to be a little bit impatient, like they want to… they want to see the results right away? I mean, how do you deal with a situation like that?
Michael Buzinski 13:38
So my, my job as a marketing consultant, you know, I’m hired many times as a fractional CMO, and I work with medium sized companies, I’ll usually be the confidant to the marketing director. So instead of bringing on a quarter million dollar payroll, the firm has a strong director of marketing. And so as the CMO, my job is to establish reasonable expectations, and within that reasonable expectations on the timelines in which we should expect results, and then what level of results should we be looking for. And as long as we’re evaluating everything correctly, and tracking all of the statistics and the data points and all that good stuff, KPIs key performance indicators properly, we should always know where we’re at. So that if somebody does get impatient, I can at least show them the ticks to each of the markers of success so that they understand we all are working in line with our goals, but that Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Christian Klepp 14:43
That’s a great answer. And it’s going back to what you said earlier. I mean, like, A) it’s a team sport and B) it’s a process. Right?
Michael Buzinski 14:51
If it was, if it was just a matter of flipping a couple switches, we would all be billionaires ok? (laugh)
Christian Klepp 14:59
Just download this app, and boom, presto, you got your website.
Michael Buzinski 15:03
Every SaaS companies is doing right? Just download this, we’ll be rich, you know, and we just run this one Facebook ad, you know, we’ll have 1000s of people. So we’ll have a long runway to figure it out as we go. Right? And this is just not how it goes. You know, we’re always testing. We’re always experimenting, we’re always asking what can be better, what is working out, we’re always scrutinizing, because when you get comfortable is when you start losing market share, period, end of story. People who aren’t pushing and innovating are the ones who are in a dying company.
Christian Klepp 15:34
Complacency kills as they say right?
Michael Buzinski 15:36
Oh, my gosh, it does. And digital marketing… a good digital marketers is foster innovation. Because if you’re not innovating, you are so far behind. If you’re always reacting, you’re basically a technician, and technicians only can grow so much.
Christian Klepp 15:52
That’s absolutely right. That’s absolutely right.
Hey, it’s Christian Klepp here. We’ll get back to the episode in a second. But first, is your brand struggling to cut through the noise? Are you trying to find more effective ways to reach your target audience and boost sales? Are you trying to pivot your business? If so, book a call with EINBLICK Consulting, our experienced consultants will work with you to help your B2B business to succeed and scale. Go to for more information.
So, you brought up some of these points already in the past couple of minutes. But you know, just for good measure, give us something actionable here. Okay, so what can B2B marketers and business owners do right now, to help simplify the marketing process and generate more qualified leads from the website?
Michael Buzinski 16:39
Let’s do, let’s do three things.
Christian Klepp 16:41
Michael Buzinski 16:42
Real quick. I can do this in four minutes. Okay, here it goes. First, we have to take a look at what we are measuring. Within that exercise, we need to make sure that what we’re measuring is accurate. Once we understand where we stand from what we’re measuring, we can now identify our weaknesses. We can do a SWOT analysis of our market, where our strengths or weaknesses, where do we have opportunities, where are threats, right? Once we’ve done that, then we can create strategies on building upon the strengths, eliminating the weaknesses, taking advantage of the opportunities, right and creating that strategy again, and then boil it all down to your perfect client. So your actions there are to look at what you’re measuring. If you’re not measuring anything, learn how to measure and learn what to measure. Now, the rule of 26 actually tells you that the only three things you need to measure to double the revenue from your website, which is your traffic, your conversion rate, and your average value per clients. Right. And so for established businesses, I tell them, if you can increase each of those KPIs by 26%, you will get a compounded outcome of 100% more revenue. So make sure that you’re measuring, create a synopsis or create a SWOT analysis of what you have measured, and then make sure that that strategy meets directly to your perfect client. Don’t look at anything else except your perfect client.
Christian Klepp 18:22
That sounds simple enough. Yet, you know, the implementation is probably a different story, right? (laugh)
Michael Buzinski 18:27
Oh, it is, it is. In the book I do give tips and tricks on how to do all of those. And I even offer a free service of helping people set up their analytics if they don’t know how to do that themselves. Because there’s no reason for anybody to, you know, stumble through Google Analytics to try to figure out how to set it up when we can do it in 10 minutes. And I have no problem helping somebody do that, because I am on a mission to double the revenue 10,000 businesses in the United States and Canada. So…
Christian Klepp 18:56
And you have done it, right.
Michael Buzinski 18:58
I’ve done it many many times. I’ve been doing it for 17 years. (laugh)
Christian Klepp 19:03
Wow. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. I mean, short of stating the obvious. Trends come and go. You know, there’s a lot of things that have been happening in the past two years and whatnot. I’m not gonna I’m not gonna mention the word. But what are some of the key website trends that you’ve seen out there? Um, be the major shifts, or just trends that B2B marketers should be aware of?
Michael Buzinski 19:28
I think the biggest trend that we’re going through right now is story branding. Can’t remember the name of the gentleman who wrote the book, but there’s a book called ‘Story Branding’. Say that again?
Christian Klepp 19:37
Donald Miller.
Michael Buzinski 19:39
Donald Miller, thank you very much. Yeah, that’s it. So he’s a genius when it comes to story branding and branding is a sector of marketing so a lot of people forget the digital marketers are not generalist marketers, okay. So when you go to a digital marketer, they don’t always understand branding. Now, I built my company first as a branding… media production and branding company. And then we dove in over the years into digital marketing. And now we have a division that just does digital marketing. But within that we have a fractional CMO and a fractional CMO is going to need to know, story branding, but the trend is to talk to the pain of your perfect prospect. So many B2B websites are stuck with who the service provider is and how awesome they are, and all the cool things they do. Great. So can everybody else. But what people are not there for, to hear about how awesome you are, they’re there to find a solution to their pain. Okay, every service provider does one of two things, solves a problem i.e. eliminates pain, or helps people realize their dream, the only two things service providers do, okay? If your website’s not talking directly to the pain point, or the dream of their prospects, you’re just leaving money for your competitors to pick up.
Christian Klepp 21:07
That’s absolutely right. That’s absolutely right. And, you know, you see it time and time again, right, like you… just take your pick with whichever website it is. They’re focusing way too much on product features and our proprietary technology. And we are certified in this and that and where’s the customer and all that?
Michael Buzinski 21:25
Right, right? They assume that we understand as a consumer, I understand what you’re selling. I’ve been to SaaS websites, where I’m like, what does this thing do? I click, I clicked on an ad the other day.
Christian Klepp 21:38
Michael Buzinski 21:39
Because I do market research for SaaS, I have SaaS products, you know, for marketing. And, you know, so and I had to learn that because it’s a different type of marketing, right? SaaS platforms, versus a service. So a service selling a service versus Software as a Service are a little different, right? They have different client journeys, right?
Christian Klepp 21:57
Just a little bit.
Michael Buzinski 21:58
Just a little bit right right. And I focus on the service base, like humans serve humans just great. But I click on ads every once a while that are other SaaS, and I’m like, I went to the thing, and it didn’t even say what the thing did. Like, I’m like, you just sign up and you figure it out? I’m like, I don’t understand. No, no, look, I’m not gonna give you my information, just because you say, it hinted the name of the software, hinted at what it did. But even in the comments, you saw, like, what does it do? Your website doesn’t show anything. I was like, Oh, my gosh, they really missed it. (laugh)
Christian Klepp 22:35
Yeah, yeah. But I know, that’s exactly right. But you know, looking at it from a more constructive perspective, it’s because there are websites like that… still websites like that out there, I should say, um, that opportunities for people like yourself exist. Right?
Michael Buzinski 22:52
Oh I have a lot of job security. Because right when I … if I touched every website in United States and Canada. I would, by the time I got done with the last one, I’d have to start back over the first one, because the whole game would change by that time. It is so much out there for that. And that’s why I love collaborating with other marketers. I love collaborating with marketing departments so we can leverage time, get things done faster. Instead of trying to take it all. I used to own an ad agency. And we did that we like, oh, we’ll do it all versus what resources do you have in your back pocket already in place that I can leverage and help you become more successful faster?
Christian Klepp 23:33
Yeah, that’s absolutely right. That’s absolutely right. Fantastic. Here comes the Bonus Question of the day, Michael. So are you ready for this?
Michael Buzinski 23:43
I’m ready.
Christian Klepp 23:45
If you had 10 times the marketing budget you’ve got right now, what would you spend it on? And why?
Michael Buzinski 23:52
For my company?
Christian Klepp 23:54
Oh, just let’s say that you are the CMO of a company.
Michael Buzinski 23:59
Okay. Like a service based company.
Christian Klepp 24:01
Service based company. Yeah.
Michael Buzinski 24:03
Okay. I would.., and I had and all of a sudden, I got 10 times the budget I had yesterday for 2022. I would do a few things. One, I would get into my search marketing, organic. I would explore my paid marketing, paid search marketing, I would… and then I would invest in content mark. Between those three things right there. I will build enough authority and visibility for people looking specifically for my services. And that was myself as the authority to give that service then I’ll have more business than I could ever have.
Christian Klepp 24:39
Sounds like a plan to me man. (laugh)
Michael Buzinski 24:46
That’s for me! (laugh)
Christian Klepp 24:49
Hey, listen, I asked you the question, you gave an answer. I gotta be prepared for that answer, right? Oh, hey, listen, I know, I know you’ve been on your soapbox now. But just please stay up there for a while longer because I got two more questions for you.
Michael Buzinski 25:02
Christian Klepp 25:03
Okay. First question, a status quo in your area of expertise, and specifically here websites for B2B service companies, a status quo that you passionately disagree with, and why
Michael Buzinski 25:18
That we can utilize LinkedIn for our B2B Lead Gen. And rely on it. That right there is not the one solution. And anybody who’s working with one solution to get all of their lead gen for their business to business company is going to lose. Just in the last few months. LinkedIn by itself said, Hey, listen, we don’t want you using our platform as a prospecting platform. And so they reduced how many people you can reach out to, by 80%. There are now companies who are out of business because of that, because all of their service was wrapped around the ability to reach out to 100. I’m sorry, yeah, reach out to 100 people a day, every day, right up to 500…, it was 500 a week. Now you can get 100 a week. Right? So that right there is is what happens in marketing, especially digital marketing, something new comes out, it become… it’s something that people can leverage, and then other people spoil it. And so that’s the one that I wish people hadn’t done. Maybe this will be better for LinkedIn in the overall scheme of things. But I monitor who looks at my, my LinkedIn. And I’m telling you, it’s mostly just people trying to sell some stuff. It’s not a lot of prospects as much as it used to be.
Christian Klepp 26:43
Absolutely, I’m the same way. I mean, every time, every time I click on who’s viewed your profile, they pretty much belong into that they all fall into that similar category.
Michael Buzinski 26:53
Right? Right. Lead gen, business developer, software company… yeah, all of those right there, you know. So what I tell people though, is social media is very strong conversion tool. So if you look at search marketing, it’s seven times more profitable than social media as a lead generation conversion. Okay. So when we look at social media, we just have to realize that 68% of people who find you on… find you in any way are going to go to the website, but once they go to the website, they’re going to go to your social media to find out who you are as a person, because you and when I say person, company, companies have personalities, your brand lives and breathes like a human, it talks me right? And if it doesn’t, you need to fix it. You don’t have a story brand if you’re not talking to people, because people buy from people they like and trust. So if you don’t make your brand personable, you’re missing out, you’re not ever going to connect with as many people as you possibly could, if you find that voice for your company.
Christian Klepp 27:56
And that was one of many mic drops in today’s conversation. (laugh) But I totally agree with you, I totally agree with you there. It’s an opportunity that not many people are taking advantage of, or they overlook it.
Michael Buzinski 28:12
Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, a lot of people are like, are you an SEO company? We’re not an SEO company, we just… we definitely believe that search marketing is where you can find the most, when it comes to the customer journey. If you can grab them at the search… in their search queries, you’re in their one of three phases out of six, they’re actually the closest to a buying position. So you know, why not leverage where you can have the most leverage, right? Just stick it in there, and you can pull on it, and you’re going to get a lot better than if you’re just trying to stir up at the top and flag people in and waste all your time with people who are never going to buy?
Christian Klepp 28:53
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Michael Buzinski 28:54
So there’s two bonus questions?
Christian Klepp 28:56
Yeah. I’m about to ask the second one. I’ve forgotten don’t you worry. Um, just to wrap it up, like you know, you’ve given a lot of great advice. But if you were like, let’s funnel it down to two things, right. So what is one thing you think people should start doing? And one thing people should stop doing when it comes to, you know, generating leads from the website?
Michael Buzinski 29:22
That’s, that’s a tough question. Good job. Good job. All right. Give me a second here. All right. Let’s start looking at our website from the perspective of our prospects. Let’s stop bragging about all the things we can do on our website. Conversion rates are so low because people don’t set them up in a way that is consumable by the people that most need them. And you’re doing it just justice to your service … your community that you serve in the industry that you’re in by doing that.
Christian Klepp 30:02
Absolutely. Absolutely. Michael, this was dynamite stuff, man. I mean, once again, thank you so much for coming on. And please do a quick intro of yourself and let people out there know how they can get in touch with you.
Michael Buzinski 30:15
Sure. Thank you so much for having me, by the way, is honored to share with your audience. I hope everybody got something from that. At least one nugget. My name is Michael Buzinski. I am the founder president and CMO of Buzzworthy Integrated Marketing. I’m also the author of the “Rule of 26”. You heard us talk about some of the KPIs that will double the revenue from your website for service based businesses. You can reach us at We also have the book. It is right there at the top of that page with along with all our services and pains that we solve. And/or if you just want to check the book. You can see it on Amazon or at the
Christian Klepp 30:55
Fantastic, Michael, thanks again, for this thought provoking conversation. I mean, I definitely took a copious amounts of notes. So…
Michael Buzinski 31:06
I see the carpal tunnel just flaring up. (laugh)
Christian Klepp 31:18
Yeah, absolutely. But truly, thanks again for your time it was an absolute pleasure. So take care, stay safe, and I’ll talk to you soon.
Michael Buzinski 31:18
Alright, take it easy. Thanks.
Christian Klepp 31:20
Bye for now.
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