How to Develop Quality Content Using AI
As B2B marketers, developing quality content that is interesting, insightful, and relevant to your target audience is paramount. Suppose you could leverage artificial intelligence (AI) in a way that would help you to scale content creation, reduce your workload, and get better content out faster. Wouldn’t that take your content marketing to the next level? On this week’s episode, we have a conversation with AI expert Pankil Shah (CEO & Co-Founder, about why using AI to create quality content at scale makes sense, why a “strategy first” approach is imperative, AI trends that B2B marketers should be aware of, and why people will always be an important part of AI.
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Christian Klepp, Pankil Shah
Christian Klepp 00:00
Welcome to B2B Marketers on a Mission, a podcast for B2B marketers that helps you to question the conventional, think differently, disrupt your industry, and take your marketing to new heights. Each week, we talk to B2B marketing experts who share inspirational stories, discussed our thoughts and trending topics, and provide useful marketing tips and recommendations. And now, here’s your host and co-founder of EINBLICK, Consulting, Christian Klepp. Okay, welcome everyone to this episode of the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast where you get your weekly dose of B2B marketing insights. This is your host, Christian Klepp. And today I am joined by someone who is on a mission. And that mission is to help B2B marketers to use AI to develop better content at scale. So coming to us from Boston, Massachusetts, Mr. Pankil Shah, welcome to the show.
Pankil Shah 00:48
Thank you so much, Christian, for having me on the show. It’s my pleasure. And I’m excited to be speaking to you today.
Christian Klepp 00:54
Yeah, no, it’s fantastic. Great to be connected Pankil, I’m really looking forward to this conversation because man, this is such a pertinent topic for B2B marketers.
Pankil Shah 01:04
Also a very controversial topic. For many of the marketing leaders out there thinking…You know what, this is BS.
Christian Klepp 01:13
Yeah, but it’s not what makes an interesting conversation if it’s a tad bit controversial.
Pankil Shah 01:20
More interesting.
Christian Klepp 01:21
Yeah, exactly. Okay, well, let’s dive right in then. Okay, because you developed the business in a specialized field, but as I believe, highly relevant to B2B marketers alright, because it’s leveraging artificial intelligence or AI, to help develop quality content at scale, right? And as you rightfully alluded to, there’s been a lot of discussions about the pros and cons of this approach, online and social media or in, you know, at in-person events. So talk to us about why you personally think that using AI to develop B2B content makes a whole lot of sense.
Pankil Shah 01:56
There’s a few reasons. If you’d see like, you know, first things first, and the status quo, everybody wants hands on the newest tech that they ever see, right? Like the first time I saw Tesla, I was like, oh, man, that’s cool. You know, let me go get it. And that’s been the recent trend is that because this AI has brought in capabilities to let you write and do some research for you. And so many writers, the way they approach to content and copywriting has shifted the paradigm and going increasingly towards the AI solutions out there. And there’s primarily for a few reasons, right? They want to scale that content creation efforts. They want to create faster that reduce their you know, workload, and very few out there would be looking to get better content out, not just faster, but better content. So it’s shifting, the paradigm is shifting, more and more tools are going to come out with similar capabilities or you’d see some of your favorite tools use some of this capabilities in their product as well. What’s going to be prominent is that it’s going to be essential for you to learn some of the skills when it comes to AI and how to use it. If you want to be a better marketer, you want to be a better writer, a better copywriter, a better SEO manager, or just be better at any writing job that you are doing. Using AI is going to be an integral part of ongoing journey. And you will see many more, you know, you will see prominence in this particular paradigm shift and more and more writers and all of these personas are leaning towards AI for help when it comes to writing better content and writing faster.
Christian Klepp 03:48
Yeah, no, that’s absolutely right. And, you know, I’m gonna play the devil’s advocate here a little bit. Okay, because I hear what you’re saying. But I also want to get your thoughts about like those that say, Well, yes, I mean, while technology can help you to develop content at scale, well, whatever happened to a strategy-first approach, understanding your target audience and you know, generating the customer insights first, because you know, that requires actual people to do the work, right. That’s not, that’s not always something that technology can do.
Pankil Shah 04:24
Absolutely. And this is where you touched a very interesting point, right? And some of the common mistakes and misconceptions related to AI is some status quos that have been brought on by certain tools, right? That say that you can click write for me, and it’s all done for you, which is, which is not going to flow it for very long, right? I mean, soon enough, you’ll realize that it just lacks depth, right? So, your question, right? The status quo, or this mindset that other tools have set forth, which shows that you can create content at scale by just clicking write for me, it’s not going to work. Strategy, Planning, Research is still super mandatory. And you cannot create good content without that. Which means humans are always always going to be an integral part of what goes out there. If it is to provide any sort of value to your customers, your readers or your audience.
Christian Klepp 05:29
Yeah, that’s, that’s a fair point. That’s a fair point. Speaking of mistakes and misconceptions, I mean, you spoke about that one, for example. But what are some of the other mistakes and misconceptions you’ve seen out there when it comes to AI for content development? And what should B2B marketers do to address these?
Pankil Shah 05:47
So one of the most common mistakes and misconceptions I’ve seen, it’s all related to, write for me, it’s because AI is trained to a certain level, right? It’s trained until 2019 data. So it cannot understand many of the nuances that happen after that. Not only that, it was trained by a basically, on Reddit, web pages or reddit content, right. So it’s going to lack the insights and validity of that content that’s being written through AI. What this means is that there’s very little to stop the AI from spitting out things which are more relevant or less relevant. As far as they are relevant, it’ll start spitting it out based on probabilities. So if you don’t structure the guidance, or structure your strategy, or you know, create a proper planning around how you’re writing content, what’s going to happen, you will probably be writing content that has been written 1000 times just with different probabilities and word arrangement. But basically, it’s going to lack insight, it’s going to lack industry knowledge, right? So a misconception is that AI will solve your problems. No, AI will help you write faster, but the problem solving part is still left to you, right? And that’s where you’d probably want to use a different technology or different skill sets or different insights into bridging some of this gaps and getting it closer to what could be truly usable using AI. Does that make sense? Does that make sense? Probably a lot of jargon out there. But…
Christian Klepp 07:25
No, it does make sense. And, you know, certainly, like, you know, to your point, the technology will help to a certain degree, but it still needs to be managed by people. Right? There’s still there’s still systems and processes and planning, that still needs to be done. I mean, it’s not like, like, as you said a few times now, it’s not that you push a button and outcomes, is like premium content.
Pankil Shah 07:49
Right, exactly. Right. And so going back to this question that you just asked, I wanted to add one more point here: is proper lack of guidance is where most writers or most marketers who are working with AI make mistakes, it’s proper guidance. When it comes to AI, it’s as good as human, rights? The more guidance you give it, the more intelligent it is, and in helping you achieve certain goals. With the misconception of write for me, you know, most people that have sort of bypassed this particular aspect and going straight to write for me and expecting it’ll write for them. But this is very common, the more guidance you give it, the better your output is going to be. So a major mistake people make is set their output to the highest when they’re writing with AI, and write tons and tons of sentences with as little guidance as possible, hoping to reach the goal. Never going to happen. Start small, keep giving those instructions to AI, keep giving it guidance, and keep deviating it towards the path that you want it to go. Otherwise, it’s a constant struggle to go back and rewrite stuff and add more value to it.
Christian Klepp 09:01
Exactly. Sounds a little bit like a vicious cycle, right?
Pankil Shah 09:04
Yes, yes. You come with a hope that you know, this is gonna do it in five minutes, and you walk away with 10 times more time that you would actually spend doing this yourself.
Christian Klepp 09:14
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that’s absolutely right. That’s absolutely right. Talk to us about a challenge that you and your team have managed to solve in the past 12 months. And this has probably been a very interesting time for people like yourself.
Pankil Shah 09:29
Yes, yes. With the rise of so many AI content editors and GPD-3 tools out there trying to write from thin air, what our primary focus in the last 12 months was: How do we get the users to write insightful information using AI in any sort of valuable way? Without that write for me feature. So a major challenge that we’ve been able to solve is the research aspect of the AI or research aspect of your content planning, which you can then use to influence the AI in being factual, being on point and writing exactly what you wanted to write without deviating too far off. That’s one of the biggest problems that we’ve managed to solve is through a feature we launched called Concepts, which goes, reads existing information, and pulls out research from it. Now, it’s a little more than that than just pulling out research. So anyone could say that, hey, you know what, the tool is doing it, I could do it myself, right, I just go to read some pages, and I’ll pull some data, this research is quite different. It has sentiments attached with it. So for example, let’s say you’re writing a case study, or you’re writing a press release lead, right? In that lead, you want to include certain facts that you have extracted from a brief that someone gave you right, or you’re doing a press release. So you have a brief about the press release, about the product release, sorry, so you’re doing a product release, and you have the brief about product release. But you have no idea what facts go where, what part of that release or release content will reside in which part of the body of that press release, that’s important, right? What our research engine can do is it can extract this sentiments and this information from existing data to allow you to guide the AI in writing or building out those paragraphs. So now, you’re not only extracting information faster than you know, your visual abilities or human visual abilities to go read the paragraphs and understand the meanings behind it and extract information. But this can do it for you. Right? Not only that, it can do it better, it can extract text with sentiments attached to it. So when you summarize those sentiments and write a paragraph around it, it’s more objective towards what you really want to achieve with that part of the body in the content, right. So that lead would look like lead with facts in it, and it will be better writing. So it’s better copywriting because you have the right information in those paragraphs. And that’s what we aim to solve with outranking in the past 12 months is being able to write factual information, better information that relates and resonates with the right audience that you’re trying to cater to.
Christian Klepp 12:23
And that’s incredibly interesting. And, you know, I’m a little bit curious to find out more and pardon my ignorance, but you know, when you’re talking about these, these searches that the AI conducts, and, you know, to help people develop more relevant content, does it help to find insights or extract more information based on popular searches, questions that people ask online? Or is it something that like, you know, how does it identify what, what a potential target audience will find important in a in a piece of content?
Pankil Shah 13:02
So there’s Okay, so let’s talk about a little bit of strategy when it comes to creating content. So understand where this fits right in. The first part is you go through some research, you keyword research, basically, you identify the keyword that you want to go after. And then you extract some research from search engine ranking pages to come up with a plan for your outline, you come up with some matrixes that make up the ranking factor for that particular page and try to replicate this in your new blog post. Right. That’s how you go about creating content. Yes, sure. Our platform takes care of that entire need to help you guide into creating that right outline by looking at questions people are asking in Google, questions people are searching for in Cora, and all this other social signals that you can extract from, as well as many factors on page, SEO factors that make the page rank better in Google. So we not only do that, but let’s say you have the outlines, what would your next step be, your next step would be to find out the bullets or the points that you want to include within each of those sections or H2 or H3, this is actually more time consuming than anything else. Because you have to read so much information, understand so much information, extract the best information out of it, and then create or recreate that information in your own words, right. This is more time consuming than anything else. What we are trying to or what we have achieved this all in the last 12 months is this specific aspect where you don’t need to go and pull in that information if you have a reference. If you don’t have a reference, we’ll find the reference, if you have a reference we’ll pull out this information from that reference. So you can have concise bullet points and the right guidance to build out those sections.
Christian Klepp 14:56
Yeah, no, that’s incredibly interesting. Because I mean, you know, these are all things again, which are extremely important for developing content and they shouldn’t be overlooked, right?
Pankil Shah 15:06
Exactly. I think research is most overlooked. Not keyword research. I think it’s loud and clear that if you want your page to rank in Google, you’re going to start with keyword research. And SERP analysis also now getting a little overrated. Everybody knows that SERP analysis, you look at, you know, what’s working, and then try to replicate from that that’s, that’s part of it, right? Like everybody knows that. But what people miss out on is how do you find and include content that’s going to be useful for your audience, it’s going to be relatable, it’s going to be digestible. And it’s going to be absolutely readable and taking them through a journey where you can actually market them something you can sell them something. Right. It’s more than just SEO that goes behind writing this content.
Christian Klepp 15:55
That’s absolutely right.
Hey, it’s Christian Klepp here. We’ll get back to the episode in a second. But first, is your brand struggling to cut through the noise? Are you trying to find more effective ways to reach your target audience and boost sales? Are you trying to pivot your business? If so, book a call with EINBLICK Consulting, our experienced consultants will work with you to help your B2B business to succeed and scale. Go to for more information.
Um, ironically enough, you mentioned in our last conversation, that AI cannot be trusted. So talk to us about why you feel that way? And what can be done to resolve that issue.
Pankil Shah 16:30
Right. So GPT-3, what is GPT-3? it’s an artificial intelligence, or you can call it a supercomputer that has been ingested with about 10% of web data. And based on that information that it has ingested, it’s going to build some probabilities out to give you answers, right. Now, what happens when it comes to probabilities. probabilities cannot be trusted, right? So you could flip a coin, you know, but you really want a tail, but it keeps giving you heads, right? It’s not in your control. Because it’s probability based. And when it comes to writing content for companies, for your clients, for people who, for whom content really matters, if you don’t want to be playing this tricks, right, you don’t want to be playing with false content or probability based content. And that is why I say AI cannot be fully trusted. But does that mean that AI is useless? No. If you use it in the right way, if you use it with proper guidance, if you live with proper feedback, it will give you what you need, maybe not 100%, but it will be quite close. That means you get to finish your tasks 80 to 90%, faster. Amazing. I’ll live with that.
Christian Klepp 17:48
Oh, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I think your previous comment goes back to something another gentleman said that I had the pleasure of interviewing in the show, do not trick the search engines. (laugh)
Pankil Shah 18:03
Someone will figure it out. You know, how many people have tried to trick governments into doing tech scandals, right, like, it works at first sight and time and then someone catches on to it and boof. You know, you’re gone. Instead of trying to trick the search engine, I’d say you know what, why not just focus your energy on creating the best of the best content that’s out there. It’s so useful. So insightful that your audience cannot just turn away from it.
Christian Klepp 18:31
Absolutely, absolutely. Leave them wanting more know.
Pankil Shah 18:35
Exactly. (laugh)
Christian Klepp 18:38
Right. I’m gonna give us something actionable here. Okay. So what is something that B2B marketers can do today or tomorrow to develop better content using AI?
Pankil Shah 18:53
First thing, first, lose the misconception, it will solve all your problems. It’s not here to solve your problems. It is here to help you solve your problems a little faster, you’re gonna solve it, it’ll help you solve it faster. So remove the misconception that AI is the go-to, to create content at scale. It is helpful, but not a replacement. So other human humans are always going to be essential for this. That’s one of my actionable insights here. The second is learn AI. Now, it’s important that you take action now, you learn even if you even if you’re learning the cheapest or the cheapest of the crappiest of the crappiest to experiment with AI, it’s going to be part of your workflow going further. Whether you agree to it or not. It’s gonna make you better and there’s traditional way of doing things which you’ve been already doing, give it a try. It will definitely help you. There is a learning curve but it will definitely help you. And third, don’t think that you can trick anyone from your comment. You’re tricking no one, not your customers, not search engines, no one. If your content has depth, it has value, it is useful, then it will help find its way to the right eyes if it is properly SEO optimized, but tricks is not going to get you there. Bunch of words or creating content around how many times you want to use a particular keyword in your content is… it’s 2010. Don’t use those tactics, be strategic. And talk to your customers, make your content readable for your audience, make it punchful. Just provide tons and tons of value to your customers. Those are my three takes. If I was to summarize those three things, I’d say, learn the AI, because it’s going to be important on how you create content going further, it’s going to be part of your workflow. Second, you cannot trick anybody, not search engines, not your customers, and whatsoever, anything, right? If you’re trying to create web pages that drive the AdSense revenue, or affiliate revenue, for all of that to happen, your content needs to be useful. So do that. And don’t walk around with the misconception that AI is going to solve all your challenge. Sure, Alexa can order you a pizza, but when it comes to writing, it’s not going to write exactly what that pizza needs to look like, or what sort of instructions you need to give it to your driver. So be strategic about it. And I would say just be smart about this, right. It’s here to live. So live with it. And yeah, that’s that those are my three takes.
Christian Klepp 21:39
Okay. I mean, that’s, that’s some pretty sound advice. And I just wanted to go back, I think it was your point number two, where you’re telling people like, you know, start learning something about AI right now. So would you have any, like, go-to platforms or courses that you would recommend people to take so that they can learn more about leveraging artificial intelligence for content?
Pankil Shah 22:02
Yes. So because this is a very new topic, and everyone who knows how to build out GPT-3 products probably don’t know how to write a really good copy. So there’s not that many great courses out there. Or, you know, normally, I would just recommend something on Udemy or Coursera, that you can quickly latch on to and understand. But this is specific to writing. So I would say, attend a webinar, attend a tool in action, ask the right questions that you as a writer would have from that particular product. And you know, So be it, if you want join outranking webinar, we have Thursdays and Tuesdays, we do a webinar, where you can come and ask any questions, whether you use a tool or not, doesn’t matter. We’ll still help you out understand how you can use AI in your workflows. And yeah, just start somewhere, right? Start being curious. If it’s not there on Udemy, or Coursera. There are many other ways you can learn. And there’s many other products and demos that quite a few people have done as well. They might not be as great, right? So you need to be a little hands-on, be a little hands-on, invest in a tool that can help you write content better, faster, and ask the right questions. Once you have, right, I think that’s going to be more actionable than going and reading any courses. I always believe right? Learning by doing and, and this is one such example where I’d want to do it because it’s going to be many ifs and buts involved in… your style of writing, how you write, what use cases you write, what niches you write. Right. So take, take that dive now. Before you know the world is ahead. And everyone knows what AI is. And we’re still using the traditional methods of creating content.
Christian Klepp 23:48
Yeah, no, that’s absolutely right. And, you know, I will say that, if anything, AI is one field where you definitely have to learn by doing you cannot just look at the theoretical aspect of it because it keeps changing, right?
Pankil Shah 23:59
Absolutely. And more so information or type of information that it’s learning, understanding and giving probability suggestions from is also changing. That means there’s always going to be that writer or that, you know, learning curve involved, when it comes to bridging that particular gap. So, yeah.
Christian Klepp 24:21
You mentioned some of these already in the past couple of minutes. But talk to us about some trends in AI that you think B2B marketers should be aware of, and where do you think writers are spending most of their time now? And why is that important?
Pankil Shah 24:33
So interesting statistic was shared by one of our group members on Facebook, is that writers before used to spend two and a half hours to three hours writing content a couple of years ago, now they’re spending 4.5 to 5 hours creating really solid, a blog post. And why is that? Right? Like… Let’s we can look at another example. Banner blindness. You might have heard of that. Right? When you see something that’s just being obviously marketed to you.
Christian Klepp 25:03
Yeah, I think I have that too. (laugh)
Pankil Shah 25:06
Right, exactly. So what’s happening is that now copywriters, writers are taking an approach to writing more engaging copy. That’s why they’re spending a little more time They’re doing more research, so that they can have all those right user intent signals in it. And just, you know, have some quantifiable ROI attached with what efforts they’re doing and writing content. So that’s where they’re spending majority of the time. And I think research is going to be still integral part. And if anything, AI might help this, help them bring that 4.5 hours to back to 3, but it’s not going to be zero. And, yeah, so I think research is where most of the time is spent in writing content.
Christian Klepp 25:59
Yeah, and you touched on this also earlier, and this is probably also going to be linked to the trends. But um, is the AI machine gonna rise up and replace humans (laugh) when it comes to writing anytime soon?
Pankil Shah 26:13
I’m a cyborg and you know, follow me to the end of the world… No, no, no, it’s not there. And it probably will never be there yet. Because it can, you know, training of AI happens after the fact. And when you’re writing information, you’re writing new information, right? If it’s old information by right, right, it’s already there, just go read it. And when that happens, that means you will need facts, you will need research and you will need to go identify, and you know, use those elements in your content to create better engaging copy. So it’s not going to replace it. But it’s going to tremendously help writers in becoming better writers, faster writers.
Christian Klepp 26:58
Right. Right. This is an opportunity for you to get up on your soapbox, right and talk to us about a status quo in your area of expertise. So your area being of course, AI and content development. So what’s the status quo that you passionately disagree with? And why?
Pankil Shah 27:16
I said, there’s a few, but are we talking specific to AI? Are we talking about content creation?
Christian Klepp 27:23
Maybe a bit of both? If you can.
Pankil Shah 27:26
One I passionately disagree, is the approach to creating content with how many times you should use a particular keyword in mind. This is the most ridiculous metrics that you could be using to create content around. Sure, you can use those topics and keywords to create ideation, understand what makes up a good user’s intent signal. But including them 10 times 100 times 200 times will make you rank? That’s absolutely bizarre. And absolutely 2010. We’re here, search engines know that you’re doing keyword stuffing search engines know that this is just too much, or even to handle. So don’t go about creating content with the mindset that including certain keywords certain times, and your content will improve your rankings dramatically, or it will drive you any sort of ROI. It’s just untrue. And I would use all the tools that you can get, but exclude this particular element out of those tools, just because even Google is discouraging a use of this right? I’m not sure who invented this. But it just ticks me every time someone tells me. Why are we not getting suggestions for whether I need to use a keyword 10 times or 3 times? And I’m like, is your content 300 words or 3000 words? I’ll tell you based on that, right? It’s just changing. Your depth for content marketing strategy on a content marketing blog post could be very different than all of your competitors. In that case, you are going to land up with more content marketing strategy related words, obviously. So if you go about thinking that this is leading to keyword stuffing, you’d be missing the whole boat and not covering enough topics, right. So yeah, that’s I passionately hate that. You can probably tell how passionately I hate that particular thing.
Christian Klepp 29:37
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I’m not gonna forget it. (laugh)
Pankil Shah 29:41
In my life, I could say that, you know, at one point in time, I’d like 170 topics ranking in top three, that I personally vouched and created and helped people created, right? I never once looked at keyword density, never once looked at keyword density. And this is the primary reason it’s coming from experience, right? I even showed so many people, topics that I’ve written, where you could easily say that there might be keyword stuffing, but it’s not. It’s not if there is right content that backs up those keywords, right sort of depth that backs up those keywords. It’s not. So if you’re doing something shady, yeah, sure, use 3, 4, 10 metrics to identify whether you are doing the right thing or not. But yeah, if you’re not, if your intentions are not to trick Google, then I’d say focus on the copy, first, focus on covering those topics first, and not worry about how many times. And the second thing, right, that’s related to writing content, which is a major practice. And for AI, I’ve passionately, passionately disagree with everyone who’s out there, saying that AI will write copies at scale for you. Watch me write a copy in two minutes, entire blog post is ready, I would definitely not use that tool. The reason being, if it is writing in one minute, what sort of depth it is giving it to me, right? Like, wow, you know, what I, if, if someone tells me that, you know what, I’ll fix your, I’ll fix your motor for the car in five minutes, I’ll be like, hey, you know what, this guy is probably doing something shady, right? Like it make you give you a second thought. Just so be aware of this, it’s not going to solve… your problems are not going to be solved by write for me. It’s going to solve with you doing the proper research and taking those strategic steps to create content.
Christian Klepp 31:35
Yeah, no, that’s a really great point. And I think it’s, you know, you brought up something which I think is applicable across the board, because it goes back to the whole, you know, people being obsessed with quantity over the quality aspect, right. And you can, and you can say that about podcasting, you can say that about cold outreach, right? I mean, you know, there’s a lot of people out there that are, you know, focusing on Okay, let’s up the volume.
Pankil Shah 32:03
Exactly. I’ve seen this many times. So if you see certain tools out there, use GPT-3, they write the introduction. Great. You wrote an introduction for me, where’s the hook? And most people wouldn’t even know what a hook is in an introduction. And that’s what deters me, right? Like, you cannot set a hook without giving it at least a little bit of guidance or personality to your content. With write for me, it’s just impossible. And for that, you need better research, you need better guidance that you can give to AI in order to create those copies.
Christian Klepp 32:45
Exactly, exactly. So, I mean, you’ve given us a lot of great advice and actionable insights. But just to wrap up this conversation, what is it, you know, with regards, again, to AI for content development? What is the one thing that you think people should start, and one thing people should stop doing?
Pankil Shah 33:04
First thing first, learn, learn the heck out of it and learn it by failing, it’s new tech, it’s going to be some challenges to it. But you can navigate through it, we’ve navigated through it, we’ve taught 1000s of users on our platform, how to navigate through these challenges and write amazing copies, you can do it too, just don’t be scared of it. And don’t be afraid of the nuances and the crap that it spits out every now and then. Focus on guiding it better. So that would not happen. Once you have achieved that, I think you’re going to be absolute beast at writing content, not just better content, but writing it faster, too. And that’s something that I would strongly suggest you start is learning the tech no matter what product it is, no matter what platform it is, start learning it now. Just because you’re gonna have to do it eventually, no matter what, you do it now. And you’ll be better off. What you what you should stop doing is not… how do I say like, I don’t want you to stop doing research is what I want you to stop like don’t… you know, do the research. That’s mandatory, no matter what content you’re writing for. For example, I was writing for the customer journey, and I was drift. I don’t want to be relying on third party sources to create content, I want to rely on experts, subject matter expertise that… is there an internal internally in the organization, who knows really how to create this user experiences and stuff like that, right? So you want to mine into that information, user information as research point and write content. So I would say stop thinking that research is going to be done all by GPD-3 when you click write for me, I’ll do all for you now, research is mandatory you’re going to have to come back to research if you want your content to rank, to engage your customers and drive you any sort of valuable revenue.
Christian Klepp 35:00
Oh man, just when I thought I could hand my research tasks over to somebody else. (laugh)
Pankil Shah 35:06
Hey, you might, you can actually… outsource it to outranking and what we build are phenomenal. You click one click, it’ll go read through 20, 30, 50 pages or your own databank and pull out things that are relevant to it. So research is mandatory. It doesn’t have to be tedious. And that’s the problem that we’ve been trying to solve.
Christian Klepp 35:30
Exactly. Exactly. Pankil. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I mean, this discussion did not disappoint. So, please do us the honor of like, you know, telling us a little bit about yourself and how people out there can get in touch with you.
Pankil Shah 35:44
Yes, absolutely. So again, my name is Pankil Shah. I am one of the co-founders at outranking. And also a CEO. You can connect with me on LinkedIn. Or you can connect with us on Facebook group that we have for outranking. We tend to help out any audience that joins our group with AI that SEO with content, with strategy, anything that’s there and easiest way to get in touch with me is through LinkedIn, or Facebook. But um, yeah, pretty available guy. And love discussing new ideas and coming on this great show of like, Christian, thank you. Absolutely amazing. Christian. I really enjoyed this conversation.
Christian Klepp 36:25
Thank you. Thank you. So did I. So did I. So your platform’s address is Right.
Pankil Shah 36:33
Yes. It’s and we have a free trial too. So feel free to try it out. We’re still running a grandfather deal till January. And in January, we have a major release coming up, which is when we’re planning on doing some price changes and hikes and stuff like that. So get in while you can. If you’re writing content, you need a good tool to learn from tried outranking there are others as well, you can try that as well, but try outranking for factual long form content. And yeah, ping me or anyone in the group to help you out with any issues that you have.
Christian Klepp 37:12
Fantastic, fantastic, Pankil. This has been such an incredible session. So thanks again for coming on. Take care, be safe and talk to you soon.
Pankil Shah 37:20
Talk to you soon, Christian. So, thank you so much for having me again. I really enjoyed the conversation.
Christian Klepp 37:26
My pleasure. My pleasure. Okay, bye for now.
Pankil Shah 37:28
Christian Klepp 37:29
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