How Video Content is Changing the Game for B2B Companies
This week’s episode put us “in front of the camera” with Robert Weiss (President, MultiVision Digital) who talks to us about creating videos for B2B. During our incredible conversation, Robert explains the important role that videos play in B2B companies, why a strategy for video is imperative before any production starts, and how the video landscape has changed dramatically as result of the pandemic. We also talk about how high-quality videos can be produced safely through remote video capture, and how this technology has enabled him and others in his field to produce video content at scale anytime and anywhere.
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Christian Klepp, Robert Weiss
Christian Klepp 00:08
Hi, and welcome to the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast. I’m your host, Christian Klepp, and one of the founders of EINBLICK Consulting. Our goal is to share inspirational stories, tips and insights from b2b marketers, digital entrepreneurs, and industry experts that will help you to think differently, succeed and scale your business.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this episode of the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast. I’m your host, Christian Klepp. And today, I’d like to welcome a guest into the show, who knows a thing or two about end to end video strategy, video production and video marketing services designed to increase sales, lead generation and client loyalty. So coming to us directly from the director’s chair, Mr. Robert Weiss. Welcome to the show, sir.
Robert Weiss 00:52
Thank you very much. What a great intro! I’m like smiling, like who is like, Who is that guy?
Christian Klepp 00:57
I don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve heard a lot about him. But you know, we’re gonna find out in a bit. Right.
Robert Weiss 01:05
There you go.
Christian Klepp 01:06
Yeah, exactly. But you know, Robert, it’s great to have you on the show. And, you know, I’m really looking forward to discuss something that you’re clearly passionate about, and talk about what has obviously been a year for the history books. Let’s get this party started. But you know, like, before you give us an intro to yourself, Robert, I gotta say, like, you know, we’ve had a couple of conversations in the past. And one of the things that really likes struck me or stuck out the most was that you didn’t have any video production experience to speak of when you launched this company. So just talk to us a little bit about that.
Robert Weiss 01:42
You really did your research. But yeah, um, yeah. That’s right. I guess I saw the writing on the wall with video. And that was because of my background, in basically selling internet marketing technologies, you know. First websites, back in the day, when there was no WordPress, there was no email marketing software, no content management systems, and we had to build all that stuff. And then that went to… everybody was spamming people with email about, you know, now it’s email marketing. So all of these digital marketing tactics that we take for granted today, and of course, we would never do without them. That wasn’t so 10 or 15 years ago. And now video is, you know, just on that kind of beginning stages, which is kind of funny, because if you think about video being so ubiquitous in our world, today, I mean, like, YouTube’s a behemoth, when I’m on, you know, watching video all the time on Netflix and TV and watch video forever, in terms of like advertising, this video or a different channel. It’s been around forever, but the adoption of this type of b2b and b2c video from a content creation standpoint is really just beginning. For the most part.
Christian Klepp 03:12
Yeah, that’s really interesting that you mentioned that about content creation, and we’re certainly gonna circle back to that later on in the conversation. Um, this might be an obvious question, but I’m gonna ask it anyway. But why do you think it’s so crucial for businesses to invest in video?
Robert Weiss 03:32
Do you have another half an hour podcast time? (laugh) I’ll try to get to the high level stuff here. You know… In no particular order, we’re becoming a nation of watchers first verses readers. And then even as we go through the sales funnel, we’re consuming information. And you know, video is the tactic that gives the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time. So why would you as a buyer, not want that? Right? And that’s video. You know, we’re in a “give it to me quick” world, with everybody being so busy, and video gives it to you quick. And while it’s giving it to you quick, you don’t have to put any brainpower into trying to figure stuff out and spend time reading. You have visuals, you have music, you have people explaining things to you as a buyer. And that makes it easy for me as a buyer to make a decision. Regardless of what stage in that decision process you are. The right video at the right place at the right time helps move that person through the funnel because of what we just said, you know, it’s easy to consume, and it gives the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time for people to make decisions.
Christian Klepp 04:58
Man you brought up so many great points there. And you know, I think a couple of phrases come to mind based on what you’ve said in the past couple of minutes, I think one of them is certainly instant gratification, because people don’t want to, like work too hard to get to the point, right?
Robert Weiss 05:12
Mm hmm. Correct.
Christian Klepp 05:14
There’s that. And I think it’s the other the other thing you said about, like, you know, people finding the need to digest amounts of information or like, copious amounts of information and content within a shorter time, and also in a format that’s, well, again, easy to digest.
Robert Weiss 05:34
Yeah. But then, you know, you can take this down a layer, right? Decision making teams B2B, right? If you’re my boss, and I found this great product, when I can just stick a whole bunch of pieces of paper in front of you and try to explain it to you and have you not understand it, or I can click a button and play for you all with a two minute video and you’re gonna get it. Like, how great is that?
Christian Klepp 06:00
Yeah. Exactly. Versus the 40 slide PPT. You know like, Okay, this is what we do, slide one. This is our product, slide two.
Robert Weiss 06:10
Yeah. Well, that’s a different use case, you know, for video. And certainly, but the same thing is true, right? You know, you got five companies presenting, for them, using PowerPoints that have been there, done that. One of them clicks a button. It changes the entire dynamic of presenting your company to that decision making committee. And nobody interrupts a video. Right? That PowerPoint slide. People are on their phone. They got their laptop open. They’re not paying attention. Nobody interrupts a video.
Christian Klepp 06:43
Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Um, give us some examples of how you believe video can be used in b2b. So you know, that’s like anything from branding to lead generation thought leadership, and, most importantly, sales. Right?
Robert Weiss 07:01
Yeah, I mean, all of those, it’s going to be hard within the time that we have to really get into all those use cases. But kind of what we said before, of like, you’re my boss, instead of giving you five pages and me trying to explain it. I’m going to click a button from you, that the company made, by the way, and we’re trying to buy from. And the company is now telling the boss who they did not have the chance to be in front of everything that the boss needs to know. You know, to move to whatever stage the next stage of that sales process is. So, but you mentioned branding, you mentioned awareness, lead conversion, sales, content, marketing, SEO, PR, social media, recruiting, training, these are all business objectives. Right? The answer is the right video project fits into all of those, you do not have one video that’s going to solve all of those challenges. You have the right project, just like you would on paper or any other thing to affect that specific business objective, right. We’ve got a saying is that the first thing to do when you start thinking about video is to forget about video. It’s not about what the video looks like, it’s about the business objective. And what the message might be at that particular place in time with that business objective. Yeah. Which will be different. So why should your video be the same? No, it should be different.
Christian Klepp 08:35
Exactly. Yeah, I mean, like, that’s, that’s exactly it. And, you know, you brought up a couple of great points, some of them being… I think, if I were to summarize it, like kind of it a lot of it has to do with the way that you package as well, right? Like you package the content, you package the approach. And I think something that you alluded to a couple of minutes ago as well. It’s something that they used to tell us in school, right, like when you asked like, how long should something be? And the teacher would always answer long enough to cover the subject. short enough to be interesting.
Robert Weiss 09:08
There you go. Done. Mic drop.
Christian Klepp 09:11
Boom. (laugh)
So in a COVID environment, where almost everyone is working from home, how do you think b2b companies can continue to create video content?
Robert Weiss 09:27
That is challenging. There’s many ways to do that, you know, with our business, most of the video production companies were shut down. Because how do you shoot people in an office when nobody’s in an office? All right. And for companies, there’s a couple options. You know, they can do the… still hire a video production company. You know, we’ve got safety protocols that we adhere to and you have to have the people want to be in the office, that’s one. And then companies can do it themselves. They can have people shooting video, which is, you know, pretty challenging, I think and pretty crappy for the most part. But there’s a few that have done it well. You can use stock footage and B roll and motion graphics. For the right place at the right time. Like for professional services, like law firms and software companies, you typically have people in front of the camera. I wouldn’t recommend animation all the time.
And we’ve got this thing called remote video capture, which really not too many people know about. And we basically utilize mobile devices. And we have an app that our client downloads, and we give them a session ID. And we capture video footage from the phone, it gives us some controls over the phone, and we still maintain the professional services of coaching them and directing and pre-production and post-production. The only difference is we are capturing footage via the phone. So the worst quality of footage that we can get is the best quality that our phones can give. And our phones can give pretty good video quality, if the frame is right, and the lighting is good. And it’s you know, it’s professionally produced. And we’re seeing really great results. With this technology. It takes a little work on the clients end to turn the cameras and get set up. But you know, I could show you a couple of videos that we’ve done that you wouldn’t believe that we were 4000 miles away like a shoot we did in Paraguay or 2800 miles away a shoot we did in Seattle, or 1400 miles away, a shoot we did in Dallas. So really, really good stuff.
Christian Klepp 11:42
Yeah. Wow. I mean, I know that you and I have had this discussion before about the specific service, but talk about video taking video production to the next level. Right. Um, and do you think that that’s something that’s going to continue to be a trend at least for the next two to three years?
Robert Weiss 12:02
Oh, 1000%. I mean, I hope so. (laugh) Going back to what we talked about how I got into it. With websites, circa 2003-05, you know, people just getting started with their first website, where some companies were on the second one already, right? Even in today’s world, some people, like, invest heavily in search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and others are just getting started. So video is certainly in an adoption, and the adoption will increase, I think on a scale of 1 to 10, we’re probably in a 3 and a 4 right now in terms of business to business. Obviously, like, you know, the cokes of the world, and the brands of the world and the TikTok. I mean, yeah, that’s more consumer video. But when we talk in like B2B video, it’s really just getting started. And where I see the trend is more of businesses being strategic with video, there’s going to be some that will invest in it this year and next, and not get it right. You know, either they’ll do it themselves, they’ll not have a marketing plan associated with the video, once it’s done, they will pay too little to a company or not get as much content or, you know, for whatever reason. There’s going to be companies that are going to poopoo video because they didn’t get it right. But then there’s going to be other companies that know they need support of a professional. Seek it out, get value content for their money. And guess what video works. We have so many case studies that, you know, the client didn’t overpay, they paid the right amount for everybody, you know, to get a good quality product, we made some money. But the point is that they got something that they needed that fit their organization. And that resonated with their business objectives, and then gave them significant amounts of ROI.
Christian Klepp 14:10
Right. Right. So, you know, they, they clearly, you know, got something that they needed at the time. It wasn’t, it wasn’t like perfect, but it was something that they could use. It was something that generated good results for them.
Robert Weiss 14:23
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I wouldn’t use the word perfect. It was it was perfect for them. Right. Right. What’s perfect for one company, from a budget standpoint, and from a business objective standpoint. And I’ll also add in from a cadence standpoint. Meaning doing video multiple times a year is different than another company’s budget, business objective, and cadence. So, every company and that’s where we come in, we try to help out, regardless of your budget, regardless of your business objective and regardless of your cadence to make a smart investment so it resonates, so you can do video for other business objectives.
Christian Klepp 15:10
Yeah. Yeah, that’s exactly it.
Hey, it’s Christian Klepp here. We’ll get back to the episode in a second. But first, is your brand struggling to cut through the noise? Are you trying to find more effective ways to reach your target audience and boost sales? Are you trying to pivot your business? If so, book a call with EINBLICK Consulting, our experienced consultants will work with you to help your b2b business to succeed and scale. Go to for more information.
Speaking of investment and strategy, talk to us about why you believe video is so powerful in marketing and also why it’s so important to have a video marketing strategy.
Robert Weiss 15:57
Again, there’s probably a number of things I could say at this point. So I’m gonna scratch the surface, it’s like this is another half an hour podcast. But you know, people buy from people. And when they go searching for information, or they’re going through the sales funnel, they’re engaging with people. In today’s world, we’re engaging via zoom. But there’s still so many moments in between face to face meetings that people are researching. And when they can get information from other people, then they’re going to buy, you know, an educated consumer is the best customer something… Sy Syms said that. So going back to the sales process, for example, I’m a sales guy, I’m selling you, at some moment in time, I’m going to bring my technical person on the phone with me, on the zoom call with me, face to face meetings. But my technical guy is going to come and talk to you and your technical team. And they’re going to get to know each other. And they’re going to exchange information. What if I had a series of videos of my technical guy explaining all of those things that are typically asked during that call, this is where the strategy comes in. Let’s be thoughtful and strategic about what kinds of content we need that mimics the sales process. Right? So if I had those series of videos that I sent you before the meeting, and you watch them, then on the meeting, you kind of heard the same things. And then maybe, you know, I send them to you again, and then you watch them again, right? You’re just consuming this information and getting informed and educated about the value propositions and of course, me as a sales guy, I am sending you the relevant videos, just like I might send you the relevant PDFs, send you to a relevant page, send you a relevant customer to call from a testimonial, right, these can all be videos that you have. And it’s easy for that person to consume. They’re getting to know the people at my company. And they’re getting to know more of the processes, because it’s easy for them to consume. It gives them the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time.
Christian Klepp 18:23
Robert, that answer alone was worth its weight in gold I have to say.
Robert Weiss 18:27
Thank you.
Christian Klepp 18:29
But I think one of the points where I would say you hit the nail on the head is really that, you know, before somebody comes to you and says, Hey, listen, we need a video, and it’s for this purpose. I think they got to think if through like, and I believe that’s what you were alluding to is like, you know, where that fits into the sales process, into the buyers journey as such. And also like, what’s the purpose of this video? Like, what role should have played within that ecosystem?
Robert Weiss 19:00
Exactly. 100%. You know, again, going back to what I said before, the first thing to do when you start thinking about video is to forget about video, right? No, it’s not about that. Is this the sales? exercise? Is this a branding exercise? Do I need content for SEO? Is it PR? Is it crisis communication? You know, like, these are all different things that people create content for, but they create the right content. Now one of the things about video that goes into, you know, what’s so amazing about video is that most of it lasts a long time. So let’s go back to that example of I’m a sales guy and I’ve gotten a technical person that I bring in, and I have a series of videos of him answering common questions. How long is that series of videos going to be relevant to answer common questions that most customers have? 3 years? 5 years? 6 years? Right? So you’re making the investment today. But those videos can be used literally every day, every week for the next 6 years. What other marketing tactic or sales enablement tool can you get that gives that type of personal connection, information exchange and long term event horizon like, well, a long term ROI horizon. When you put these on your digital channels, yeah. And they get more views. And those pages get hit more, and people stay long are those pages that only is more valuable to Google.
Christian Klepp 20:43
Right. Bingo. That’s exactly it. I was trying to find a term for what you were talking about earlier. And I guess you’re referring to like, the shelf life of this type of content. Correct?
Robert Weiss 20:58
Christian Klepp 20:58
Like a shelf life. Yeah. So you know, with all these use cases for video, and you spoke about it a couple of minutes ago, a little bit. How can businesses get the most bang for their buck when it comes to video investment?
Robert Weiss 21:14
Planning. There’s a couple ways to do that. There’s the marketing of that video or videos. That’s a way to get the big bang for the buck. So knowing what the business objective is, and what the channels of distribution are, of those videos and being able to leverage those videos through the channel, we have something called a video first strategy that allows us to kind of help our clients create the most amount of content and continue to build those link back to the video wherever they are. But that’s the first thing like having a plan to market it once they’re done. That’s the first thing and the second way is to get the most out of a production. So if a company like ours is going in to shoot, you want to try to get the most amount of content from them while they’re there. So I give you an example. We did a recruiting video for a financial services firm. And part of their value propositions of working for them were different themes. For example, work life balance, access to management, upward mobility, meritocracy. And in this recruiting video, there’s people that talked about that those steps, those were themes.
Christian Klepp 22:38
Robert Weiss 22:38
But we also in the project, we created vignette. So not only did the organization get this one high level, recruiting overview video, but they also got five other vignettes that focused each only on work life balance, access to management, meritocracy, etc, etc. Diversity was one of them. So in aggregate, right, they had a collection of videos as people looked at that top one, wow, this is a cool company to work with. Let me learn more. And then they got these small vignettes. So we were able to produce those six videos within a couple days, because we were planned and thoughtful in advance. Now, did they pay more money for this? Yes, they did. There was more time, more work, more effort that went into us doing that. But on a per video basis, that they’re going to use this over the next 3 or 4 years. The per video investment goes down. Right. So that’s another way where companies can really get a good bang for their buck.
Christian Klepp 23:54
Yeah, no, those are definitely great examples. And I believe what you’re also referring to is what they call like, you know, getting more juice out of the squeeze, right?
Robert Weiss 24:04
Yeah. Well, there’s a term called batch production, which I think is kind of where a lot of people are using that term, where you’re going to produce a batch, you know, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 videos, you know, in a session versus just 1 because it costs a lot. Okay, does it cost a lot, but it costs for a production company to set up all their equipment, and then break it down and drive places, etc, etc. You can amortize the investment there across multiple videos versus just doing one. So that’s kind of the the concept.
Christian Klepp 24:42
Exactly. And then, you know, of course, when you’re on site, doing things like you know, filming a lot of B roll, I think I believe you posted something about that on LinkedIn today.
Robert Weiss 24:51
Yep. Same thing, like what are you going to do with that b roll? right? Staging some shots and even pulling out just images of that bureau screencaptures and posting on social media or, you know, 15-20 seconds of whatever B roll that is. Or knowing that you’re going to have another shoot down the road, but you have this VIP in your office that day or an executive that’s in from out of town. You might not use that now. But you know, you’re going to use that in six months from now. Like it’s some being thoughtful, and planning. yeah.
Christian Klepp 25:30
Yeah, no, absolutely. So you’ve built a successful business around video production. And let me see if I can get the these numbers, right. You’ve produced over 900 videos in the past 10 years. So from that alone, I’m going to assume that you’ve probably seen it all.
Robert Weiss 25:49
No explosions.
Christian Klepp 25:52
Well, let’s hope it doesn’t get to that, right. (laugh) So talk to us about some of the most common mistakes that you’ve seen people make when it comes to video and how these can be addressed.
Robert Weiss 26:06
Okay, so a couple things that come to mind are scripting. When people say, Okay, I’m going to write a script, we’re like, oh, please don’t. You’re not an actor if you’re in business, right? Maybe you are an actor. Listen to this. I don’t know. But most business people are not actors. So we want them to outline… I mean look at us today. Right? I mean, we plan for this, like, we came up with some questions in advance. Am I going by a script? Are you going by a script? No, we’re going by the talking points that we have, and we’re able to talk about it. So that’s the first thing that we say whether you do video by yourself, or do it with a professional, do not script, outline. What a good professional video production company will do is get the cheeks in the seats to perform just like they do when a camera is not in front of them. And they have clients in front of them. Right. They don’t have a script when they’re at a trade show, or they’re on the phone. Right? So if we can outline in advance, we have a direction of of knowing where they’re going. And they can perform. Lighting is important. A couple things that I’ve seen with DIY is they have the light source behind them, like their window behind them.
Christian Klepp 27:27
So it looks like a halo. (laugh)
Robert Weiss 27:29
Yeah, face the window. Right. Get light on your face. Put the camera at least eye level or a little bit higher until it down. Don’t have the camera below you. And then audio, you know, make sure you have good audio. In today’s world, not so great video, people can deal with that. But if you’ve got bad audio, you know, they turn off. And I guess you know, a couple other things. Now I’m thinking about it, you know, have a plan in mind, of what you want to do after the video is complete, of how you’re going to market it and try to get to some consistency level. You know, we’ve talked a couple times already in this podcast about the different business objectives that you have. And you know, how you would typically create PDFs or documents or webpages for all those things. So it’s the same thing with video, you know, try to be a little bit consistent with video.
Christian Klepp 28:29
Yeah. No those points are really awesome. Sorry, I was just taking notes as you were talking, because they brought back some pretty funny memories of some of the projects I was involved with. And that one, that first point you mentioned about being scripted. I mean, that is so true. I mean, people people should not sound like they’re reading from a script, because they should be behaving or they should be conducting themselves as if they were at a client meeting where they’re not going to be reading something.
Robert Weiss 28:58
Yeah. Yeah. In today’s world, people are getting a little bit smarter with watching video and knowing what is good and what’s bad. And when you have a video that has a lot of cuts from camera one, camera two, camera one back to camera two, it’s edited right? And when we produce, we want to try to get somebody to look at the camera as much as possible. And sometimes I’ll even stand behind the camera, so they can look through the camera. I want to see the person’s eyes. And it’s okay if they’re just like I just did right now. I did a pause, or I stumbled a little bit. That is fine. It’s fine. But is the message there? Is it professional? Does it position them in a professional manner? Most of them the answer is yes. And with the script, it just doesn’t work.
Christian Klepp 29:52
Right. Well, it just feels some… well, for lack of a better description orchestrated.
Robert Weiss 30:00
Yeah, you got it. And I’ll say one more thing about a script that I’ve, after 10 years, I’ve just realized that when people come in with a script, it’s like a mindfuck for them. Because they know what’s on the script. So they’re trying to stick to the script. But you know who else knows what’s on the script? No one else knows what’s on the script. Right? So if I were to say things out of order, or say things differently, nobody knows. But because it’s scripted, they know. And it messes them up like crazy.
Christian Klepp 30:41
Yep. Yeah. I totally see where you are going with that one. Yeah. Yeah. Couldn’t agree more, or they’ll stop halfway and say, no, wait a minute. I’m gonna say that differently. And they’ll start rewriting.
Robert Weiss 30:51
Exactly. Yes! Yes! Your feel my pain there? (laugh)
Christian Klepp 30:56
I do, brother. I do. I know.
I was saying it earlier, we’re not going to talk about COVID. But talk to us about changes that you’ve seen this year in your field. And tell us about your top three predictions for video moving forward.
Robert Weiss 31:12
So the changes for this year is, you know, kind of been, like I said before, like there’s been a lot of decrease in video production, because there’s nobody at the office. And for us anyway, we’ve pivoted to remote video capture. And while it’s a phenomenal solution, I don’t see that going anywhere, because it’s so cost effective to companies. One of our clients is a global law firm, and they’ve got like 14 offices here in the States. And it allows the marketing team, which is based out of Chicago to support all of the offices. Right.
Christian Klepp 31:52
Yeah. Absolutely.
Robert Weiss 31:52
So their healthcare division, for example, is all over the United States. And we’re doing an eight video series of healthcare related, like legal topics that they’re going to package and promote as part of their healthcare initiatives, they would not have been able to do that prior. So it’s a great solution to companies, because it’s significantly reduced the costs of creating content. And quite frankly, this type of talking head content. It doesn’t have to be super amazingly produced, it needs to be that person pontificating and being professional. So it’s great.
And in terms of going forward, I think I said this before, like firms being more strategic about video, right. Thinking about video, having higher cadence to it, marketing that video, thus, you know, more adoption. And very similar to… this is more of, you know, answering to the industry at large, video production at large. Everybody and their brother is going to be going into video, just like in the early 2000s. Like everybody and their brother went into the website design. And there’s going to be you know, like, high, medium and low firms that service those levels of markets, just like you’ve got cars, and houses and furniture like every market. But because everybody and their brother is going to go into the market, the market is going to expand, I think prices are going to come down a little bit. They already have, because of COVID, demand is a little bit lower. But then it’s going to shake out. And there’s going to be companies that are going to go out of business and the strong will survive. Yeah. So that’s probably more of a 5 to 10 year prediction on the video production market at large. And then the last prediction is something that I’ve no clue about, but I’m going to predict it anyway, is you know, video is just zeros and ones. And browsers are just zeros and ones. Right? So somebody is going to come up with a super cool way to start integrating video natively into browsers. I don’t know how that’s gonna happen or what’s gonna happen, but somebody is gonna do it.
Christian Klepp 34:24
Well, yeah, it’s almost like the natural, like a natural evolution. That’s, you know, it’s gonna take all of us to the next level, right?
Robert Weiss 34:30
Yeah, exactly.
Christian Klepp 34:31
Yeah. No, that’s really amazing. I was almost gonna say to your second point about, like, everyone and their brother doing video, would you say that it’s almost become a little bit commoditized?
Robert Weiss 34:47
I guess. To an extent, yes. Yeah. you know. I mean, what business hasn’t to some extent? And I think it’s up to the company to non-commoditize their own brand, their own company their own services. So you don’t fall into that game. You know, but again, they, it’s video. The video production industry is not unique to that phenomenon.
Christian Klepp 35:15
No. Oh, no, certainly not. I can think of a few others.
Hey, Robert. Man, this has been such a great session. Thank you for sharing.
Robert Weiss 35:27
It’s been cool. It’s been good. I really appreciate your questions. They were great. And whoever’s listening, I’m hoping that you get a lot of good information. And we’ll share this and develop your own video content strategy.
Christian Klepp 35:44
Absolutely. Speaking of if, you know, somebody would like to hit you up for video production, how do they get in touch with you?
Robert Weiss 35:53
646-319-8609 give me a call. (laugh) Other than that, head over to our website at Multi Vision Digital. And if you’re a manufacturing company, we have a specific website called
Christian Klepp 36:10
Wow. Well, that’s good to know. That’s good to know, video for manufacturing. Gotcha. Well, Robert, once again, this session has been insightful, informative, engaging, and I certainly hope that the listeners took notes while you were talking because you were giving them you know, so much value with your experience.
Robert Weiss 36:26
Oh, thank you.
Christian Klepp 36:27
So take care. Be safe. And as you say, as you send your email, I’ll see you in front of the camera.
Robert Weiss 36:33
See in front of the camera. Catch you later.
Christian Klepp 36:35
Thanks. Bye for now.
Robert Weiss 36:36
Christian Klepp 36:37
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