Taking One’s Ability to Solve Complex Problems to a Whole New Level
Being an entrepreneur in the B2B space is fraught with challenges, but there are those that continuously push themselves to achieve greater heights. In this interview, we talk to Mrunal Nagrecha (Founder, Xanthus Software Solutions) about his entrepreneurial journey, and how he took his company from the bustling city of Mumbai to different geographies across the world. Mrunal also reveals what prompted him to start his own business, how he sees his role as an enabler during this period of disruption, and how a long-term vision as well as the right team is crucial to scaling a business.
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Christian Klepp, Mrunal Nagrecha
Christian Klepp 0:08
Hi, and welcome to the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast. I’m your host, Christian Klepp, and one of the founders of EINBLICK Consulting. Our goal is to share inspirational stories, tips and insights from B2B marketers, digital entrepreneurs, and industry experts that will help you to think differently, succeed and scale your business.
Hi, everybody, and welcome to this episode of the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast. I’m your host, Christian Klepp and today, I am honored to welcome a gentleman on to the show who I’ve been corresponding with via LinkedIn and Zoom. And believe me, we’ve discussed everything from the state of the global economy to politics and history. And on top of that, he’s also a successful entrepreneur who runs several businesses across multiple geographies. So Mr. Mrunal Nagrecha, welcome to the show.
Mrunal Nagrecha 0:58
Thank you so much, Christian, and it’s amazing to be there on your podcast.
Christian Klepp 1:03
Yeah, it’s so wonderful to connect with you. And I guess we have cognates, so thank for that. And I’m really looking forward to discussing some of these topics with you that we’re both very passionate about. Let’s kick start this conversation by you telling us a little bit about yourself and what you do?
Mrunal Nagrecha 1:23
Sure. So, I’m a business tech guy who lives in Mumbai in India. And why I use that word is, I’m someone who understands best of both the worlds, which is business and technology. So, I’ve been in the technology industry for more than 19 years now. I’ve been working with some of the top companies as my customers. So to give you a background, I am the founder of Xanthus Software Solutions, which is a niche technology company with more than five years now, and focuses on a lot of cutting edge technology solutions. I’m also running another company, which is called as Vyapar Networks, which is a B2B platform, where primarily we help buyers connect with sellers. Outside of this, Christian, on the personal side, I’m a very adventurous person, I do a lot of adventure activities. So, you could see me some jumping off an airplane, rafting, and trekking in the Himalayas, these are things that keep me alive outside of the book.
Christian Klepp 2:52
Wow, that is indeed an extremely impressive list of credentials you’ve got there and thanks so much for sharing that. I could kind of see you being this, like, very adventurous person. I mean, like outside of work, and then that’s probably why you’ve got this some go-getting risk taking attitude, like, it doesn’t only transcend everything you do professionally, but also outside your personal life. So that’s amazing.
Mrunal Nagrecha 3:17
Yeah, that’s right.
Christian Klepp 3:20
So, tell us a little bit about like, is there a current project that you’re working on that you’re very excited or motivated about?
Mrunal Nagrecha 3:30
Yeah. So, at Xanthus, we will be right now working on our own product, which is called as Learn X. So it’s primarily a learning management product, which is built by our team. Essentially, what it does is it provides a ready-made platform for online coaches, trainers, training academies, and small and medium enterprises. So one thing Christian, which has happened, the pandemic crisis has hit us in the last five months and one of the things what has happened out of this is that, there’s a lot of, remote e-learning which is kicked off right to us which was never in picture so much earlier, and your statistic which I want to throw to the listeners as well that, I believe the global e-learning market is about to explode, because it is expected that the growth between 2020 and 2025 is going to be more than 12% CAGR. So that’s, those are all good numbers.
Christian Klepp 4:48
Yeah, that’s incredible. Wow, that’s amazing. Oh, thanks for sharing that and you definitely, like, I think you hit the nail on the head with regard to e-learning and it’s not just really, for my business perspective, because certainly if you do it the right way, that’s a certainly a lucrative niche. But it’s also from the user’s point of view. And why do I say that is because a lot of people during lockdown, where people are working from home, or they’re staying at home, I mean, like, what better opportunity is there to upgrade your skills? Or to take that course? Or, take that class that you’ve been putting off for so many years? I mean, if it’s one positive aspect that has come out of this lockdown, at least from my personal perspective, is that it has somehow helped to kill a bit of the procrastination within each of us.
Mrunal Nagrecha 5:47
So what I think Christian is like, it isn’t both aims, because, as you said, people who are doing their jobs, they are also in a certain kind of a pressure to say, we got to up skill, we got to be ahead of the market, so that, there are skills where, you know, we can bring to the table, bring more value to the roles doing right now. So, that’s one side of it. And the other side is, certainly there’s so many boom of these online coaches, let’s not forget, people like mental health coaches, for example, because the anxiety, and stress level of being at home, and your whole work, and your home environment, everything together is taking a toll on people’s life. So I think this whole culmination of people coming together and trying to help on the coaching side, and what we want to do with Learn X is to give them the ability to create their own branded solution by using Learn X and take it out to all the people who need some of their services.
Christian Klepp 7:02
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I think that’s such a valid point, because like, another reason, I mean, like for people to take these online courses is because the state of Global Affairs has just completely been disrupted in terms of like, you know, the way that we work, the way that we conduct business, and even if things do roll back to whatever is going to be the new normal, it would have changed, because something that we’ve seen happening in these past couple of months is the rapid advancement of digitalization and technology across different sectors. And somebody like you can truly attest to that to the disruption, because you’re in this industry.
Mrunal Nagrecha 7:47
Oh, absolutely. And I think, this is going to be literally a turning point, as far as how businesses were looking at some of these things, which were not considered a necessity, right, like digitalization, upgrading technologies were, for some, for a lot of companies, they were not at really at the top of the agenda, which it has not weighted it a stone certainly.
Christian Klepp 8:13
Yes, yes, indeed, indeed. So, that’s an amazing insight. So, thanks so much for sharing that. You’ve been running several businesses across different industries across different geographies, for many years now. So give us a bit of a background in terms of like, what prompted you to take what I call the leap of faith into the world of entrepreneurship? Because sometimes it does feel like that, right? It is a risk. It’s a leap of faith.
Mrunal Nagrecha 8:47
Oh, yeah. I completely in a second thought Christian. I come from a business family background. So in general, that always helped. Because I learned so many nuances of running a business by looking at my family. While they were running their businesses, it was easier to learn because I was close and it was happening all in the family. So, but eventually, when you talk about, the leap of faith that came a little late, I would say, when I was around 34, that’s when I decided to start something on my own. And that’s how Xanthus was born. Okay. It’s not an easy decision to take up entrepreneurship, honestly. Yeah, because I believe, you should have a big heart. There are always going to be failures that you got to learn from. So, having a big heart is very important. And plus, all the patience in the world is what you need. Because you don’t taste success at the very first step that’s how long I’m sure it’s worked for everyone. No one’s done that there for sure. Yeah. So, to sum it up, I would say, no it’s like, a toddler, think of a toddler, right, who falls so many times in a day, but still tries to walk with a smile on his face. So that’s how I look at taking the big leap.
Christian Klepp 10:32
That’s a really apt description for what entrepreneurship is like. And you might have seen this one, it’s a meme, or shall I say, it’s a cartoon that’s been floating around on social media about what other people think entrepreneurship is like, and it basically illustrates, there’s an illustration of an individual at the foot of a mountain, and the path is relatively flat, it basically means without obstacles, and then the next picture shows what entrepreneurship is really like in terms of the journey and the next picture, obviously, is completely different. Because it’s not a smooth ascent up the mountain, as you can imagine, it’s filled with cracks and crevices and valleys, and you’re gonna have to climb all the way down and up, because you don’t have rope and you can see that the character is frustrated at times, and crying and unhappy. And so it’s a bit of a roller coaster of emotions. So I think that was a very apt description for what entrepreneurship is actually like, in real life.
Mrunal Nagrecha 11:39
Christian Klepp 11:41
So, just to discuss this point a little bit further, what are some of the challenges that you faced early on in your journey as an entrepreneur? And how did you manage to overcome these hurdles?
Mrunal Nagrecha 11:55
Yeah, so, running a business, in general is never easy, no matter, how experienced or inexperienced you are, right. So in my case, I had my share of challenges. So I had to face a lot of challenges, especially at the very beginning, when we started. So, I definitely want to highlight two key issues, you know, which I faced, and I would definitely like to bring that out for the listeners of this podcast. So, I think the first one is what I call is getting business on the plate. So think of this right, we are talking about challenges, and I think one of the most important and equally difficult is to continuously keep getting new business and in fact, even retaining your existing business, new customers, I mean, all of that is definitely something which is challenging. So what I feel is most of the businesses, most of the business that you as a company get, is generally through non contacts. So, we also had our initial set of struggles to get more business and scale. This is where, what I did was I had talked with a lot of my connections, and would ask them for business or for even for contacts whom they think, there was a need for technology requirements somewhere. So, the takeaway I always had was you should never be afraid to knock doors to ask for business. And, of course, never forget that one liner, which is always there. Which says, if you are out of mind, you’re out of sight.
Christian Klepp 13:59
Right. Right. Yeah, indeed.
Mrunal Nagrecha 14:04
I think this was, this was one part where getting business on the plate was one of the challenges, there was another important set of challenge, Christian, where we had to build a winning team. So, I think, in my mind, this is the second most important problem where getting the right people on the team is extremely important. Yeah. Just like, no data at that time. People were hesitant to join a company that has just started that’s the fact of life. Right? I mean, how do you how do you get people on board and how do you get very good people on board and ensure that oh, you’ve started a company and there’s a lot of career prospects out of working at your company. So, you know how we solved the problem here was we tried to sell our vision of what we wanted to do at centers in the next coming years. And of course, the long term vision. Along with that, what we did was, we built a three, work culture, and environment where people love coming to office every day, I think that’s one of the most critical things, right? You don’t like getting up on a Monday morning and being dragged to the office? That’s not what you want to do. So, the thing to remember, as I always say, to all the people who are budding entrepreneurs is your team is the one who converts your dream into a reality. So give them everything, you’ve got to empower them.
Christian Klepp 15:53
Yes. Thanks so much for sharing that. Those are some incredible insights. And I think, I couldn’t agree with you more, I mean, these two points to the first point about like, generating new business and getting those meetings with those respective members of, your potential customers or target audience, if you will, I mean, how incredibly important those are. And, of course, to the second point about having the right team in place, and that’s so extremely important. And I suppose it’s part of a growth process of every company, and as they go through growing pains, or even as the company continues to evolve, and maybe at times, it has to adjust its positioning or its offer, and to also ensure that the team either grows together with that evolution, or you get external people into the company that will help to complement, the changes that you’re making in order for there to be some kind of degree of continuity.
Mrunal Nagrecha 17:07
Yes, that is so important.
Christian Klepp 17:08
Yeah, indeed. So, one of your companies Xanthus, right? So, as you mentioned already before, it provides a full range of IT solutions, as well as services that are linked to such things as IoT, bike sharing, cycle sharing systems, enterprise solutions, digital office assistance, and augmented reality. And that’s quite the solutions palette, if I do say so. And your other company, Learn X, as you’ve already mentioned, in the past couple of minutes, provides training and e-learning solutions for companies and institutions with a large distributed workforce. So let me set this up for you a little bit before I ask you my questions. So as you’re well aware off, and we’ve been hearing this in the past couple of months, the world is currently going through a crisis of an unprecedented magnitude. And it’s completely disrupted life as we know it. So looking at the current situation, from a more positive perspective, as I mentioned, before we’ve seen some improvements in the way that we work through the rapid advancement of digitalization, as well as the advancement of technology across different industry sectors. Now, from your professional experience, and from what you’ve seen, what role do you believe digitalization and technology will have a role to play moving forward as we navigate through this crisis?
Mrunal Nagrecha 18:43
Oh, before this pandemic hit us you know, there were a lot of businesses who felt technology as an enabler. I mean, you must have heard this, like, I’m sure you’ve heard this tens of thousands of times. But today, the harsh truth is that technology, digital transformations, these are all destructive in nature. That’s what it has turned out to be. So it can literally make or break a business, depending on how you use it, or you don’t use it. So, all I’m saying is, businesses across the globe have understood what the use of technology and the use of digital transformation can bring to the table. It is so important to be paperless and have things on your technology systems because, the tomorrow that we are going to see there is a large possibility that we might have hybrid offices, which means people are coming to the office only a couple of days. Or for that matter, you might not have offices at all. Right? So that’s a big thing, right? Because people would be remote, there’s no use case of paper here. So, all your things have to be into software systems, they got to be digitized, there has to be workflows and that’s how the world of tomorrow is looking like. So that’s the reason why I use the word that, this is now we are in an age where technology has turned into a destructive mode rather than just an enabler. And businesses will embrace this change are going to move way faster.
Christian Klepp 20:42
Well, that’s a great observation. And would it be also fair to say that, with this advancement of digitalization technology. I mean, certainly, there are several advantages, and you’ve highlighted many of them. But also at the end of the day, these are platforms, and these are mediums, but would it be fair to say that you’d also need to have systems and processes in place to help complement this technology and this digitalization, because at the end of the day, it still requires that human element and that interaction.
Mrunal Nagrecha 21:19
Yes, you’re absolutely right that, Christian. So no processes. In fact, let me tell you this, the whole process piece is actually now going to be even a couple of steps further, because what happens here is, since you are remote since you are not meeting people. Your company needs to have processes, even more well defined than what they were earlier. Because, now there could be, people working in different time zones, things are remote. So, there has to be set process that, this is the first step, this is the second step, that’s how, you’re going to make sure that because your processes are right, you are able to deliver to your customer in the right way. And I mean you could use the best of technology in the most destructive way. But if you don’t set the right processes, you might falter. So I think, again, as you rightly said, it does go hand in hand, and there is a definite need of setting your processes even better than it was what it was.
Christian Klepp 22:33
Indeed, indeed, and it’s all in the spirit of continuous improvement. Right.
Mrunal Nagrecha 22:37
Christian Klepp 22:38
Right. So and you touched on this already. And I think it was a great point talking about being an enabler. So, by that token of what role do you see for yourself or for your companies as an enabler initiator of change, sort of the kind of work that you do, and the solutions that your company provides.
Mrunal Nagrecha 23:00
So being the founder of a tech company, I believe, we’ve got a moral responsibility to help our customers understand the change that is happening around us, and also guide them and help them build powerful tech systems, so that they can navigate through the crisis that are happening right now. So, effectively, look at this question, we are having a pandemic, which has probably happened once in hundred years. I believe that the next one probably might not take that long, you never know. So, it’s not just about building systems, which are good to go today, or are covering you today. But it’s also about making sure that you’ve upgraded your systems enough that you are going to not be covered for at least the near future.
Christian Klepp 24:00
No, that’s an incredible insight. And thanks so much for pointing that out.
Hey, it’s Christian Klepp here. We’ll get back to the episode in a second. But first, is your brand struggling to cut through the noise? Are you trying to find more effective ways to reach your target audience and boost sales? Are you trying to pivot your business? If so, book a call with EINBLICK Consulting, our experienced consultants will work with you to help your B2B business to succeed and scale. Go to www.einblick.co for more information.
You’ve probably heard this, the past couple of months and you’ve probably had these conversations over and over again. But you’ve probably had conversations with clients, during this pandemic, who have come back to you and said, hey, listen, our budgets have been reduced or budgets have been cut completely, but in spite all of that, we still need some kind of form of solutions that your company is able to provide. So, that being said, what kind of advice have you been giving clients during this pandemic? Especially those who are facing this kind of dilemma, but with a budget cuts or reduction?
Mrunal Nagrecha 25:17
Yeah, so we’ve been working with our clients very closely, especially during this period, to understand, they are reduced budgets, which is, of course, not a surprise, and still try to find a way to upgrade their software systems to help them navigate this crisis. So, majority of them, they have started, or clients have started investing both their time and money, a lot more than what it was previously, which I believe is a very encouraging sign.
Christian Klepp 26:01
Well, that’s fantastic. And I think it’s always important, especially during these times of adversity, or these difficult periods that, you reach out to customers, and you see, you try to find a way to like, continue to serve them, even though the circumstances are clearly not the same. And you’re probably having different conversations now, as compared to like, this time last year. But, it’s also about, it’s not always about the immediate or foreseeable transaction. But it’s about like that, building that trust or continuing to build that trust brother in your case, and that long term relationship, right?
Mrunal Nagrecha 26:41
Yeah. And also look at this, right, I mean this is the time where you got to stand up for your customers and see how you can help them through, right. If you look at this, like we are the experts in the technology and digitization field. So, look at the pandemic, there are health workers who are standing up and saying, yes, we are going to help our country, we are going to help our people around and make them safe. I look at it the same way although we run a business, which is fine. But not this crisis, we got to also make sure that to help our customers in such a way that they are not caught in a position where they don’t have the proper technologies and digitization methods, and they fall on their face and probably end up losing their business as well. So that’s why I used in the early of my conversation, that I think it’s our moral responsibility to also guide them where we feel we have no knowledge about what could be done, from a technology standpoint to navigate them through.
Christian Klepp 27:53
That’s absolutely right. I mean, I couldn’t agree with you more. And as cliché as this expression is gonna sound I’ll say it anyway. You’re not just providing hardware, but it’s also a software aspect of it. So, and we’ve talked about this in the past couple of minutes. But you’ve set up a few businesses that have now expanded beyond India, and you’re serving customers and markets all over the world. And among them, the United States, Canada, Thailand, the UK and Australia. And I think it’s fair to say that this is by no means a small feat. I mean, it’s difficult enough to run your business in general, like within your own country, but then to have it expand abroad. That’s just an entirely different ballgame. Because that requires somebody that doesn’t just have a global mindset, but also someone who has a long term vision for the company. So tell us what you believe is needed to successfully run a service based business such as yours across so many geographies?
Mrunal Nagrecha 28:57
Also, at the very least, I think a couple of things you are, which I would specifically like to highlight. One is as soon as you expand your business, across geographies, what happens is you’ve got customers in various geographies, right? So I think the first thing which I’m very clear about is, you need to have respect for different cultures and customs. So let’s understand this. Every country is different. And every country has a rich culture and tradition. So as a business, no one should know more about know your customers, cultures, values, the way they conduct business. Because at the end of the day, only those based businesses would succeed, who would understand and respect the human values. It’s all about human touch at the end of it. So this is one point which I wanted to bring up. The other one would be more on the operational aspects, but which is also important is to be very mindful of matching the customer’s time zones, because as soon as you scale your business, across geographies, it is important that there has to be consistent communication from the client, as well as from your team, so that people who are working and one of the ways to do this would be, make sure you’ve got people who are working in the right shift so that they can overlap with the customers time zones, there’s communication happening between both teams. The last thing you want is your team is probably doing a great job. But there is a communication gap, which is stopping them to understand that the team there is actually doing good, but you don’t know. So I think this is one of the key things where, a lot of businesses could make mistakes. And this is how we’ve set up where we make sure if there are time-zone differences, we overlap with the customers teams and give them the updates regularly, so that there’s this clarity that are we on path? Are we doing good? I think that’s why.
Christian Klepp 31:31
Yeah, no, that’s, those are, some amazing insights. And I couldn’t agree with you more. I mean, it’s having that sensitivity to the cultures of other countries, also being very aware of time zones. And I think many of us work across multiple time zones. I mean, even here in North America, we were working with people just in this continent alone that are in a different time zone. So they’re like, three hours behind, four hours behind and so forth. And yesterday, I was on a call with China. So, it’s obviously when it’s morning, here, it’s evening over there similar to the current situation where you and I are having this conversation.
Mrunal Nagrecha 32:12
Yeah, this question, I think our customers are also aware of the time-zone difference there are so many of them who say what we will do is divide the customer calls, divide calls into like, putting them across, where some days our teams will do the call, where it’s late evening India time, some days, they would do it, where it is late evening in probably North America, and it would be morning for us. So, I think this is where the blend comes in because you’ve understood the culture, you’re putting in the human values, people at both ends, understand that there has to be mixed, grounded, that’s where, you know, that the team starts working together, and everything starts coming into one place.
Christian Klepp 33:09
No, that’s absolutely right. And that’s such a great compromise, too. Right. I mean, it helps to harmonize the, work ecosystem to a certain degree. I mean you’ve been an entrepreneur for many years now. So certainly you have your own mindset in or your own philosophy in terms of how to run a business successfully. So, let me ask you this. Can you tell us about that one thing, that one commonly held belief, which other entrepreneurs have, that you passionately disagree with?
Mrunal Nagrecha 33:54
This one’s Christian, literally, on top of my mind, and I want to put it out. So I see and meet a lot of new entrepreneurs, because primarily, I’m connected with a lot of business communities. The one thing that I commonly see, and the one belief which I completely disagree, and feel that all entrepreneurs should let go is on micromanaging. So every entrepreneur or founder feels that the company they formed is like their baby, which means that they would like to get into every detail every aspect of what’s happening in the company. And that’s where they kind of start micromanaging. So, years how we did it at Xanthus and just the idea is, pick the right people. I mean, for sure, for a certain period, there is handholding. So you can’t just say that let me pick the right team is here and I’m doing something else. No, that’s not how it works. There is handling, which is fine. But the idea is to pick the right set of people. And let them work in their own way so that you can come out as a founder, can come out of micromanaging and working towards scaling your company, which is essentially your role as a founder.
Christian Klepp 35:30
Exactly. And that’s, you know, you brought up such a great point, because it goes back to the whole question about like why do people micromanage? And there’s many reasons why they do that. I mean, one most importantly, is because there’s a lack of trust. Second one is that there’s somehow like, either a communication breakdown, a lack of transparency, or because there’s a belief of, it’s either one side or the other, just doesn’t have the right system or processes in place. Right. And it’s maybe for one, or all of these reasons, that people just can’t help themselves but to micromanage.
Mrunal Nagrecha 36:09
Yeah, I mean, think of this, right. I actually became a father first, and then an entrepreneur. So, it might be weird for some, but I correlate a lot of my parenting learnings with my entrepreneur learnings. And one of the things that we do as parents is when the baby is born, and while it’s crawling and trying to learn new things, we also know you’re very close to the baby trying to sort of micromanage, right? Hey, let me see what the baby’s doing. And that’s I think, that’s where we need to understand as entrepreneurs that it’s although the company you formed is your baby, but at some point, you have to let go of certain things, if you know that you’ve got the right set of people to take it further. And why did you form the company? You formed the company, because you wanted to get more business to scale it to a level. So I think that for responsibility as, founders is what, at some point, we tend to forget when we’ve grown to a certain extent, and that’s why I feel this whole micromanaging thing, is a big hindrance to growth as well as far as entrepreneurs go.
Christian Klepp 37:40
Absolutely. So we’ve talked about this before, I think, in a previous conversation, like, do people in your business circle know you? Or do they call you by another name? And why do you think that is?
Mrunal Nagrecha 37:53
Oh, Christian. There’s a nice story on this. So let me tell you this.
Christian Klepp 37:58
So this is why I’m asking this question?
Mrunal Nagrecha 38:03
So people in my business circle who know me, they call me by the name of Guru, which means that’s a word in Hindi language, which means an expert or master. I primarily got this name from a popular Bollywood movie, you’re in India, which was called the guru, where the actor, he always keeps on seeing this one amazing dialogue in the movie, which says I can’t hear the word, no. So, this specific thing resonates a lot with me, the way I’ve run the business all I’ve just done is right from the whole dream of Xanthus, to running it. I’ve always thought whatever comes to my mind, and is like, straight decision, I just don’t think too much about it. I go for that decision and see how it works out. So, if I had to structure this into something where the listeners of the podcast could take away something, I believe in a very simple strategy. In four words, that would come out, one is do, the second word is fail, the third word is learn, and the fourth word is adapt. So do, fail, learn, adapt. If you do this process, in a circular motion in your business life, I’m sure there is definitely success, which is going to come your way.
Christian Klepp 40:01
But it’s absolutely amazing. So just one more time now for the listeners do, fail, learn and adapt. And what a great philosophy to have not just for your business but in for life in general because this can transcend again beyond the professional field to anything, anything you do or any endeavor you’re set your mind to.
Mrunal Nagrecha 40:28
Oh, yeah, absolutely ignition because this is something that I’m sure all people in their personal lives come across. I mean, we have failures, there are things we want to do. There are naysayers, who will say that you can’t do this or you are not capable of doing that. I mean, belters?
Oh, absolutely. And believe me, I’ve got my share of naysayers in my life as well. But the way I’ve looked at it is, we’ve got one life, which I believe is fairly short. It’s not too large. Right. So just do what you got to do. If you’re passionate about something, do it. Don’t think about it 50 years down the line when you’re in a hospital, right? So better to do it now and see what where it takes you and who knows? You could really make something big out of.
Christian Klepp 41:26
Absolutely. To your point, there’s an old saying, and I’m not sure who said it, but it’s not how long you live, it’s how you live it.
Mrunal Nagrecha 41:38
Absolutely. You got to make life large. In that sense, you’re absolutely correct.
Christian Klepp 41:45
Great. So Mrunal, this has been an excellent session. So thank you so much for coming on and sharing. What’s the best way for people out there to connect with you?
Mrunal Nagrecha 41:57
I think the best way for them would be to connect via email. So for all the listeners, they could connect to me on my email address, which is mrunal@xanthus.in.
Christian Klepp 42:22
Excellent. Or they can just meet you on one of those coordinates calls.
Mrunal Nagrecha 42:27
Oh, absolutely. And, I’m sure the listeners of the podcast, they would be definitely listening about our coordinate conversation. So I think that’s one of the best ways to connect and network with some amazing people. So yeah.
Christian Klepp 42:46
Indeed. So we will now as expected, this session has been nothing short of a brilliant conversation. So thank you so much for your time. Take care, stay safe, and I’ll talk to you soon.
Mrunal Nagrecha 43:01
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me on the show Christian and I hope the listeners enjoyed the session as well.
Christian Klepp 43:09
All right, fantastic. Thanks. Bye for now.
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