Ep. 129 – How to Craft Interesting and Engaging Customer Stories w/ Alexander Ferguson

How to Craft Interesting and Engaging Customer Stories

When done correctly, customer success stories can help to convert prospects into customers and position B2B companies strategically against competitors. Why do so many customer success stories fall flat in B2B? What can be done to transform them into tools for B2B growth?

Join us in our conversation with B2B video expert Alexander Ferguson (Co-Founder & CMOTeraLeap) about how marketers can craft better customer success stories that are interesting and engaging. During our conversation, Alexander talked about the pitfalls to avoid and what marketers should look for when conducting customer interviews. He also elaborated on how you can add more emotion to your B2B videos and provides actionable tips that marketers can implement immediately.

Topics discussed in episode

  • Alexander talks about why most customer success stories in B2B fall flat [2:03]
  • Some pitfalls to avoid when crafting customer success stories [5:02]
  • Tips on conducting research and how to incorporate the findings into customer success stories [8:54]
  • How to get buy-in to from the sales team [11:57]
  • Alexander’s actionable tips: [16”18]
    • Have a clear plan
    • Remember your customer is the hero, not your company
    • Don’t estimate the value of visuals
    • Invest in a good thumbnail
  • Alexander shares an example of how to create interesting and engaging customer success stories [18:25]
  • Alexander’s take on how AI should be used to craft customer success stories [23:19]

Companies and links mentioned
