Ep. 50 – Interview w/ Johnas Street

How to Improve Your Approach for B2B Social Media

Social media platforms continue to influence the B2B marketing space in a significant way. How can you win over the hearts and minds of your B2B buyers and position your brand strategically in the market? On this week’s episode, we talk to Johnas Street (Senior Global Social Media Manager & Senior PRCadence Design Systems) about how the social media landscape has changed for B2B, how B2B marketers can draw creative inspiration from B2C campaigns, as well as why it’s important to be purposeful and consistent with your content.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • The key components of a successful B2B social media strategy [07:26]
  • The changes Johnas has seen in the B2B social media landscape [15:00] | [17:12]
  • Why we should encourage company executives and employees to be more active on social media [19:03]
  • Social media is a team effort, not a one-man show [20:38]
  • The choice between quantity vs. quality depends on whether or not your organization is established and has an audience [24:34]

Companies & links mentioned in this episode:



Christian Klepp, Johnas Street

Christian Klepp  00:00

Welcome to B2B Marketers on a Mission, a podcast for B2B marketers that helps you to question the conventional, think differently, disrupt your industry, and take your marketing to new heights. Each week, we talk to B2B marketing experts who share inspirational stories, discuss their thoughts and trending topics, and provide useful marketing tips and recommendations. And now, here’s your host and co-founder of EINBLICK Consulting, Christian Klepp.

All right, everyone. Welcome to this episode of the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast where you get your weekly dose of B2B marketing insights. I’m your host, Christian Klepp. And today, I am super excited because today I’d like to inject a little bit of soul into this interview. You heard that right, a little bit of soul does the body good. Because today I’m honored to have someone on the show who can tune things up a little bit. So Mr. Johnas Street. Welcome to the show. And also let me say congratulations for being accepted into the Adweek Rising 2021 program.

Johnas Street  01:00

Thank you, man. Pleasure to be here. And I appreciate you for the invite.

Christian Klepp  01:05

Yeah, no, it was great to be connected. And thank you to Steve Brown for making this connection. And let’s get this conversation started. Because, let’s have a little bit of fun.

Johnas Street  01:16

Absolutely. Let’s do it.

Christian Klepp  01:18

Yeah. So, um, I’d like to focus on a topic today that you clearly built, you’re passionate about it; you’ve built your career on that. And it’s social media marketing for B2B. So, just for the benefit of the audience, could you highlight some key differences between social media marketing for B2B and B2C?

Johnas Street  01:38

Yeah, I mean, I think the main key difference is, when you’re thinking about B2B perspective, you’re supposedly that you’re talking to other customers, other businesses, right, you’re trying to get a service. But in essence, I like to look at B2B and B2C through the same lens. And the reason I say that is because you still talking to another human, you know what I’m saying. So, I like to add a… I like to humanize the brand as much as possible on social media. And that’s something that I’m dealing with every single day working in high tech, and you’re dealing with so many high technical names when it comes to like products or whatnot. So you try to figure out how can I put a lack of better words dumbing down so the average person can understand what we’re talking about.

Christian Klepp  02:34

Yeah, no, that’s exactly right. And I mean, I would say, not everybody, but more often than not B2B tends to be the repeat offender of like, hey, look at this product. Right.

Johnas Street  02:42


Christian Klepp  02:43

Look at all this technology and this R&D, and all this innovation, and they forget to like talk about like, okay, who are the people that behind all that right… behind that…Who’re the people behind that technology, who’s that engineer, who’s that scientist in the laboratory that’s helping to come up with this chemical compound that goes into the adhesive, and so forth. Right?

Johnas Street  03:04


Christian Klepp  03:05

Right. Okay. That’s a great segue into the next question, because we’re talking about the comparisons between B2B and B2C. Right. And there’s been a lot of like chatter in the grapevine, as they say. (laugh) And this has been going on for a while, this is not something that we’ve read, like yesterday, drawing reference… just drawing inspiration from B2C campaigns or B2C marketing, and injecting some of that, those elements into B2B. So, what are your thoughts on that?

Johnas Street  03:38

Man, I love that. I love that. I come from a entertainment background. I was a performer for half… or most of my life. A performer, athlete, as well. So I like to look at other industries, seeing what other industries are doing from a social media marketing perspective, and saying, okay, hey, how can I utilize some of that cool way, that theatrical way or that that documentary style of shooting, that’s best utilized, and sports marketing, or the documentary style that’s used in trailers for movies and TV shows, right? How can we bring that type of creative thinking and creative outlook into this high tech industry or this B2B industry and continue to tell a story? I always think about it from this from this lens, storytelling can be the catalyst to successful brand because through storytelling, you are able to understand what it is that the brand has going through, what it is that the brand has come from, how many people are they helping and how many lives have changed you like, that’s the stuff that makes somebody say, hey, here’s some money, let me buy that product from you. You know? So that’s what I like to look at it from that lens.

Christian Klepp  05:00

Yeah, absolutely, I’m gonna be cheeky and play the devil’s advocate here, Johnas. (both laugh) That’s all well and good, but man, people in the B2B world, we don’t think that way, you know, key decision makers, you can’t tap into our emotions like that, what are your… What are your thoughts on that? And what do you say to those doubters?

Johnas Street  05:22

I mean, I say like this, at the end of the day, we’re all human, like, we love, we hurt, we have… we laugh, we cry. Some days, we wake up on the right side of the bed, some days working on the wrong side of the bed. And at the end of the day, it’s not about the technology. It’s about what can technology do for you? Like, how can you change lives through that technology? And I was actually watching a video the other day on Steve Jobs. And someone asked him a question in the audience. Obviously, the person wasn’t the Steve Jobs fans. But they asked him question in the audience, and he was just talking about, we don’t look at Apple as a way of like the technology, how can it change lives. We look at it from the standpoint of, we think about the end user first, the customer, like, how can they benefit from this? Not what we can do for them?

Christian Klepp  06:13

You got the nail right in my head there, man. But that’s absolutely right.  And it’s crazy. And you’ve probably seen a lot of it, I’ve seen a lot of it. It’s crazy how there’s still so many brands out there, they’re just not getting that right. You know, they’re focused too much on their products.

Johnas Street  06:30

On their product. They technology, right.

Christian Klepp  06:32

Yeah, yeah. And they’re not and they’re not thinking, or they’re not putting themselves in the shoes, you can call it empathy or putting themselves in the shoes of their customers. Like, how does this benefit my customer?

Johnas Street  06:43

Right, speaking of speaking of shoes, let’s talk about Nike. I mean, when I see a commercial from Nike, I barely… I mean, I don’t… sometimes I don’t see shoes, like, they’re telling the story of the athlete, what athlete comes from, how many lives that athlete is changing, because of them getting out of their situation that they started in.

Christian Klepp  07:05


Johnas Street  07:05

And then they may show a shoot, flash it and you know, throughout the commercial, but it’s really about athlete.

Christian Klepp  07:13

Yeah, yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely. Talk to us about what you believe, are the key components needed to implement, you know, B2B, social media strategy successfully.

Johnas Street  07:26

Like I said, 1. humanizing a brand. 2. knowing your audience, sometimes that could be a disconnection from a great marketing campaign to a success, right – is not knowing who your audience is. We can’t please everyone, like I can’t… Your podcast, no matter how great it is, everyone won’t listen to it, you know, I’m saying. So really thinking about your audience, thinking about the niche. How can you niche it down? And okay, niche it down to that audience, and then speak to that audience on a human level. Right? That’s the way I look at it. And then once you understand that, then you can start figuring out, how can I be as creative as possible without losing the focus of what we’re trying to bring your brand across.

Christian Klepp  08:31

No, absolutely, man. And I’m just gonna chuck this one in there. Because it’s about social media, and at the end of the day, people are going to be like, Yes, all of those things you said that are correct. But what about measurability and trackability? Right? So how does that play into whether what you’re doing is successful or not?

Johnas Street  08:53

Yeah, I mean, like I said, I think that goes back to knowing your audience. And it’s not going to be overnight. Sometimes it takes six months to a year to really get to get a grasp of who you are, and who you’re trying to reach and talk to. So I mean, there’re going to be months where engagements or the analytics of it is down or down, and you’re trying to figure out, okay what can we change and it’s gonna be a lot of A|B testing, you know, did this work at this time, did this short copy work, or did this long form copy work? You know, like, it’s going to be in so many different things. Okay, this video was 30 seconds. And then this video is 15 seconds, but the 15 second video got more plays and a 30 seconds video, you know, oh, wow, I saw a spike or a spike of views and engagement over the weekend. Okay, maybe we can start thinking about the weekends. So is this so many different things. Right.

Christian Klepp  09:53

Absolutely. And you know what, you brought up something that I thought was really interesting, because I was on a webinar yesterday. And it was a webinar organized by Salesforce. And they had, they had Seth Godin on, there was something he said, which really, like, just struck a chord, because everybody’s kind of expecting, okay some of these guys, they’re probably gonna say the standard stuff that everybody already knows. And then you know, Seth Godin has this innate talent to just whip something out, which you’re like, huh? Okay. So basically, long story short, what he said was like, if you’re a CMO, if you’re in a marketing role, don’t ask yourself, what can we do that works? Ask yourself what might not work that’s worth trying. All right. So it’s like trying to push the pencil a little bit, right, just to your point about measurability and trackability. And how this is like an ongoing process of like, testing and iterating and testing and iterating.

Johnas Street  10:54


Christian Klepp  10:54

And seeing, seeing, I wouldn’t say seeing what sticks, but seeing like, Okay, well, what are we doing that is working? Or what are we doing that isn’t working, that can be improved? And what haven’t we done yet?

Johnas Street  11:07


Christian Klepp  11:07

All right. So yeah, no Interesting, interesting. site an example if you can, you know, either from your own experience or something you’ve seen out there in the market of what you believe is a great B2B social media campaign and tell us why you felt it was so effective?

Johnas Street  11:26

Yeah, I mean, we just recently just launched our the dynamic duo. And I think it was it was, you know, a fairly, fairly decent social media a lot social media campaign, we did something different this time. We went a bit more creative on the video side. We saw, we saw a few videos where this creator was creating like this UI like this, this LinkedIn UI, into the video form format. And it looks like as you scrolling down the page, like the video is just like, embedded in in the UI. I guess, it was crazy. It was crazy. I can’t explain it the right way. But we did that and did something different as opposed to just a normal video. And I think it was received pretty well. It could be a little confusing, or a little, just something different, because we never done it before. And like you say, was trying to you know, push the envelope, trying to try new things, try different things. Right. And I think that was that was something… we learn something from that, from that, from that campaign is, okay, hey, there is more that we can do. In this EDA computation software space, there’s more we can do, we can be more creative. And that’s what I learned that we can be more than what we have been or what or what the industry is accustomed to.

Christian Klepp  13:06

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Because I mean, like, you know, more often than not, you see other campaigns where it’s just a little bit like, okay, let’s just play it safe. Let’s just give them what they’re expecting. Let’s give them what they’re… let’s just show them what they’re used to seeing. And then suddenly you whip something up where it’s like, wow, look at that! I love that title by the way, Dynamic Duo, are you you’re referring to Batman and Robin Malloy, right. (laugh)

Johnas Street  13:32

No. But speaking of that, I…. it’s funny you brought it up, because I suggested to the team, hey, for Halloween, we should use a dynamic duo like, theme around our products, Palladium and Protium. We should do a dynamic duo theme. Okay, Batman and Robin, Jordan and Pippin, peanut butter and jelly, you know, say like this.

Christian Klepp  13:56

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. It’s like that. It’s like the tag team. Right?

Johnas Street  14:00

Exactly. (laugh)

Christian Klepp  14:04

Hey, it’s Christian Klepp. Here. We’ll get back to the episode in a second. But first, is your brand struggling to cut through the noise? Are you trying to find more effective ways to reach your target audience and boost sales? Are you trying to pivot your business? If so, book a call with EINBLICK Consulting, our experienced consultants will work with you to help your B2B business to succeed and scale. Go to www.einblick.co for more information.

Christian Klepp  14:31

Hey, listen, I promise you we’re not going to talk about COVID or the pandemic and what not. I mean, there’s this there’s plenty of news about that floating around. What I do want to talk to you about is like some significant changes you’ve seen in the social media landscape. Let’s and let’s narrow it down even further. Let’s narrow it down to B2B social media. Like what are some of the changes that you’ve seen, that are, you know, as a result of what’s going on right now and where do you see that going?

Johnas Street  15:00

The main part that I’ve seen, the main change that I’ve seen is the people are paying attention to social media, more so now than they have been in the past. Because they saw there was one constant that never changed throughout this entire process, whether you’re in meetings, in person, virtually whatnot. The one constant that’s that stayed the same is that social media component and as you know, is growing, you got audio formats now, video, like, it’s so many that you’re getting different channels and different mediums. So that the importance and the focus on understanding man, social media is here to stay. And we just, we should spend more time on understanding it, and understanding how users use it. Right. So that’s something that I’ve seen, especially in the B2B world, you’re starting to see more webinars and you’re starting to see more trainings, like a lot of things virtually because everything went virtual. So, and in order to get that information out, you got to use social media, email, LinkedIn, other formats.

Christian Klepp  16:17

Absolutely. You know, what, as you were talking just now, you made me think about something else, which I thought was worth bringing up and worth discussing a little bit further. And that’s something I’ve seen up mostly on LinkedIn, and then a lot of people in the in the B2B space talking about it. And I’d like to get your thoughts on it, because you’re responsible for social media for your organization. They’re talking about moving into, or that point, as I’m moving into 2021, there was going to be a lot of emphasis on people following personal brands. Individuals, as opposed to organizations. So for example, they would follow, they would follow people like Johnas Street, and his LinkedIn profile, or Facebook or wherever whichever platform you choose to use right, versus the organization’s company page.

Johnas Street  17:09


Christian Klepp  17:10

What are your thoughts on that?

Johnas Street  17:12

I mean, it goes back to what I said earlier. We’re human, you know, when you think about you know following a company’s page, for the most part, and it started to change last year, but for the most part, the tone of that voice on that on that channel could be robotic. It doesn’t have that, that human feel, that warmth, you know, what I’m saying? Like, like, as you say, that “soul”. (smile)

Christian Klepp  17:43

Yeah, so very corporate, a little bit distant. Right?

Christian Klepp  17:46

Right. Right. Absolutely.

Johnas Street  17:46

Exactly, exactly. And that’s something that I’m that I’m working on daily, trying to inject some life into our feed, into the copy. As you as you know, as a marketer. I mean, copywriting, I think copywriting and storytelling are two of the most important things when it comes to marketing and for our brand. And the person who can really understand that from a human tone of voice, empathy, and, and understand how you can get your technology messaging across in the most simplest way, will win, will continue to win.

Johnas Street  17:47

And that’s, that’s the way I look at it. You know… Tesla, I think they have like 2 million followers, but, you know, Musk has 57 million followers. You know what I’m saying? Is  the peep? Is that is that that that somebody something you can almost, something tangible you can touch or feel, you know. But like I say you still want to see brands, from a B2B perspective starting to talk like people. And I, and I like that.

Christian Klepp  19:03

Yeah. Well, it’s long overdue, isn’t it? Yeah. Like, it’s like it’s about time, right. But you guys made that shift. No, but like, no, that’s great. But let’s just say for example, what would it be something that you would encourage in your own organization among like, maybe your managers or people of people higher up? Would you encourage them to be a bit more active on social media, like beyond the organization, some company accounts again?

Johnas Street  19:29

Yeah, I would, I would, and the reason I say that is because myself and anyone else that works at Cadence, we are essentially an extension of Cadence’s brand and when they see us, and they interact with us on social media and in public, okay, we are a direct mirror of who our company is and who our company hires. Right. And I feel like the more that we’re vocal about the things that we love, the things we’re passionate about, telling our personal stories, it will then tell the story of the brand. Okay, hey, these are the type of people that this company hires. These type of people that this company has as customers, as partners, you know what I’m saying? Diverse backgrounds, from different walks of life, in different parts of the world, you know what I’m saying. So, I think it’s very important for people to be to be active on social media in a professional in a professional manner, of course.

Christian Klepp  20:33

Absolutely. And with purpose, right?

Johnas Street  20:35

With purpose.

Christian Klepp  20:35

With purpose.

Johnas Street  20:37

Always with purpose.

Christian Klepp  20:38

Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely. For this next question, you can probably get up on your soapbox here. It’s like, what is a status quo, in your area of expertise that you passionately disagree with, and why?

Johnas Street  20:56

I think that social media managers can do it all and should do it all. I think that a lot of times, social media managers are doing about 20 jobs in one. They’re doing that… They’re a copywriter, they’re a social media manager, they’re the digital expert. They’re the paid social, they’re the organic social. They’re doing creative, they’re doing design, they’re doing production, they’re doing podcast, so that they’re writing, they’re doing PR. So like, I feel like that status quo of, we can do it all, even though that’s great. And it’s amazing that we have those capabilities, I still think having a well-thought out team and proportion work across the board will be… you know, it will be efficient, because I mean, just literally looking at analytics all day can be one job.

Christian Klepp  22:00

Yeah. Sounds to me, like what you’re describing as a media production company. (laugh)

Johnas Street  22:06

Absolutely. (laugh)

Christian Klepp  22:08

I mean, it’s like the tasks of a team, essentially. Right.

Johnas Street  22:13

Right. And, and I’m on Twitter a lot. And I see so many people who work in social media, how they are talking about they’re a one social media team, a one person team. So I mean, hats off, hats off to those folks, for sure.

Christian Klepp  22:29

Yeah, no, no, absolutely. Absolutely. Here’s the bit where you give people a word of advice, right? So it’s like, well, when it comes to social media for B2B, what is one thing that you think people should start doing? And one thing that people should stop doing?

Johnas Street  22:45

Start being purposeful with your content and being consistent with your content. Stop looking at the numbers through one lens, and what I mean by that is only looking at like, okay, this week, we’re… this week, we’re down as far as engagement. Don’t look at it that way. Look at it from the standpoint of “We are people, we are human people”. Some people, some weeks, take breaks, take breaks from social media, so they’re not looking at it regardless, you know, I’m saying, so stop looking at the data from that lens of man, this week, is worse than last week, or last week was better than this week. This week was better than last week, let’s not look at it that way. Let’s not look at it that way. I think we should take that data especially from week to week is not working. You got to take the data from you know, let’s do three months, six months, and just really go back and like, okay, this is what happened through that time. What changed? What didn’t, you know what I’m saying so. I think those week, the week. The week to week data could be misleading for sure.

Christian Klepp  24:00

Yeah, no, absolutely. And I mean, that’s some pretty solid advice. I mean, like, and it’s not always easy to implement in the world of B2B, especially if you’re in an organization that’s very focused, as many should be, on sales right? Yes. Right. So it’s sometimes a bit of a struggle to, to get people in the organization to understand that approach.

Johnas Street  24:23

Yeah, I mean, we don’t know what happened in someone’s life. We don’t know somebody could be dealing with something or someone who could be going through something and they just, they just don’t have time to, to hear what we have to say.

Christian Klepp  24:34

Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. This is a question I asked you in a previous conversation, Johnas, it’s one that always surfaces. It’s the it’s the quality versus quantity. So which approach would you recommend and why?

Johnas Street  24:52

I guess it depends. Depends if you if you’re just starting out and you don’t have an audience. You need to have more quantity than quality. And what I mean by that is you’re not putting out bad stuff. You just put out stuff so you can figure out what’s working. But if you have more established brand, then you can post. You want to have quality. You want to have quality if you’re a more established brand, and you have a certain a certain follower account or you are known for something, you definitely want to do quality and you want to continue to put out quality products or quality content. Because if you start if that, if that quality, you know goes down, then you’re going to start losing, losing interest.

Christian Klepp  25:39

Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely. Man. This has been, such a great conversation, man. So like do us the honor of telling us a little bit about yourself, and at least from what I know, you’re quite the Renaissance man. (laugh)

Johnas Street  25:53

Yeah, it’s funny. My wife probably read the Renaissance man. But uh, yeah. Man, I come from a small family. I’m the eighth of 10 kids. I’m from Mississippi, born and raised. Very, very humble beginnings grew up, you know, poor, didn’t realize how poor when we were growing up, because it was so much love and so much family around. Yeah, that we had everything we needed, you know what I’m saying. Now that I’m a father of three, I realized just how little your kids need. They need more of you, more of the parents than anything else.

Christian Klepp  26:30


Johnas Street  26:31

So think about that, from  the standpoint of the future of work, habit or work from home or whatever the case may be.

Christian Klepp  26:38


Johnas Street  26:39

Years ago. I mean, you’re commuting anywhere from an hour to four hours a day. Like how many times you see your kids. You see your kids for maybe two hours, and then they got to go to sleep and then wake up, drop off of at school and it’s rat race. Right. So I think about that. But yeah, from Mississippi. The thing that got me out of out of poverty and out of Mississippi was I signed a record deal at the age of 15. With the record deal. Yes, record deal. Yep. signed a record deal at age 15. I was discovered by this drummer that used to play for New Kids On The Block and New Edition, he sent my tape to Maurice Starr, who was the manager and founder of New Kids On The Block and New Edition, he saw me. He called me on the phone. I thanked him over the phone and that was it. I flew out to Atlanta and I started working at a young age. So there’s my first job.

Christian Klepp  27:44

And that was probably back then when you know the phones were still like this right?

Johnas Street  27:47

Exactly. Yeah, definitely that phone for sure. Or at least to push the buttons…

Christian Klepp  27:56

Kids these days will have no clue of what that is.

Johnas Street  27:58

No clue. So after that, I did that for about few years, man. More than five years for sure. Yeah, once that ended, I was a little depressed because I was in that state of like, I didn’t know what was next in my life. So I was like, boom, basketball. I was great at basketball in high school. I had offers from different schools. I say, you know what, let me go back to school and play ball. So I ended up coming out to Oakland, California. Going school that Holy Names University. Play ball there. You know, got my degree there. My senior year there I got on this small show called American Idol. You might know what I did.

Christian Klepp  28:40

Small show (laugh!!) The understatement of the year. Yeah.

Johnas Street  28:51

So I was on there. And once I got off that show, once I got cut from the show, I went back to school, graduated, and then I came out to Atlanta, Georgia. What came back to Atlanta, Georgia, and try out my like, my thing in acting. I’ve never acted before in my life. But I ended up booking a TV, I mean a movie with Chadwick Boseman, they got him to play Black Panther. Yeah, I ended up booking a movie with him called Get on Up where he portrayed James Brown. And that movie changed my life. I was with him for about for a total of three months. And his presence, his aura, his professionalism, just the way he goes about business and life. That dude was, uh, was amazing. He was definitely he was the definition of a king and, and it was sad to see him to go like that, you know, it’s really sad.

Christian Klepp  29:41

Really a tragedy.

Johnas Street  29:43

Yeah. And so after that movie, after I did that movie Get on Up, I did this other TV show called Being Mary Jane, which is on BT. I was acting alongside Gabrielle Union, but it was at that set that changed the trajectory of my life. I was sitting at that set. I was on the table, I’ll send you a link to the to the clip. But I was sitting at a table and looking around the table. And I was like, I haven’t seen these people in many things. And you know, most of them were older than me. Like, I haven’t seen these folks. And I mean, things I was like, This can’t be sustainable, especially if I’m trying to have a family and, you know, wife and kids.

Christian Klepp  30:25


Johnas Street  30:26

So I said, after this show, I’m going back to Silicon Valley, and I’m gonna find me a job at one of the biggest tech companies in the world, I don’t know who I don’t know who is going to be or how it’s going to happen. But that’s what I was gonna do. Because I saw then, at that time, 2014, that the tech industry was just beginning to start to take over the entertainment industry. You know, they would take over from movies and record labels, and whatever the case is, like, it was just taken over completely. And as you fast forward to now and see tech runs entertainment, right? So I said, I said, I’m going back to the Bay, and going back to Silicon Valley, and then finding a job, I hit the ground running as soon as possible. As soon as I got back here. And I ended up landing a job at Intel, and then Intel took me to where I am now, here at Cadence Design Systems. So it’s been a journey, man, it’s been a journey. And there’s a saying that I have, the journey is the reward. And, and I really look at it that way. The journey is the reward. You know, once it’s all said and done, you’re not going to remember, you’re not going to think about you made it. You’re going to think about what you got through to get to where you to the point of making it, you know what I’m saying, you got to think about the bad days, the good days, you got to think about those wins and those losses. You got to think about how you came up, so the journey is the reward.

Christian Klepp  31:54

What an amazing story, man. You plan to write a book about your life someday.

Johnas Street  31:59

Man, one day, maybe you can help me. (laugh)

Christian Klepp  32:03

Just let me know, man, yeah, we can turn it into a podcast series.

Johnas Street  32:07

Yeah, I love that.

Christian Klepp  32:09

No, I mean, but jokes aside, Johnas. I mean, like humble beginnings. And a lot of the things that you said, and some of these struggles you went through, I mean, at least from my point of view are truly inspirational. So thanks for sharing that with us. And thank you also for the session. And you know, what’s the best way for people out there to get in touch with you?

Johnas Street  32:30

Yeah. I’m Johnas Street on pretty much everything. So that’s LinkedIn. And then on Twitter and Instagram, @Johnas_street.

Christian Klepp  32:50

Fantastic Johnas thank you so much for your time and you know for coming on and sharing but um, hang on, you’re not getting off so easily. (laugh) Yeah, you gave you gave it away there. You’re talking about American Idol, you know, finalist and so forth. So man, I mean, we can safely assume that you can get right yeah. Okay. Hit us up with a song before we wrap this up. Come on, one for the road.

Johnas Street  33:14

Oh, yeah. I’ll sing the song that I did for American Idol, and I got my golden ticket. All right. It’s by Maroon 5.

Johnas Street  33:24

Tap on my window, knock on my door, I want to make you feel beautiful

I don’t mind spending every day

Out on your corner in the pouring rain, oh

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay a while

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

Christian Klepp  34:01

(clapping) well done!!

Johnas Street  34:10

Thank you, man. Thank you. I didn’t get the warm up. Sorry.

Christian Klepp  34:15

I was gonna suggest the vocal workout at the beginning of this. (laugh) But what would have given away the surprise. And no Johnas. Thank you so much for this and take care. Stay safe and all the best to you and your entire young family.

Johnas Street  34:29

 You as well. Thank you.

Christian Klepp  34:31

Take care. Thank you for joining us on this episode of the B2B Marketers on a Mission podcast. To learn more about what we do here EINBLICK, please visit our website at www.einblick.co and be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes or your favorite podcast player.


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